Monday, June 7, 2021

June Begins

June is shaping up to be quite a busy month.  Of course it’s all relative since I’m retired and I generally do as I please most days.  But, my issues with my knee that I have mentioned have led me to begin physical therapy.  It is helping and I’m working hard to get the knee stronger, but two appointments a week for two months is a lot on my calendar.  I’m slowly getting back to yoga and it feels so good to move again.  I am very thankful go this route instead of surgery  My PT has to reign me in, because I am determined to be as close to where I was as possible and my old cross country distance running mind set is coming back to me where I push through any pain.  My frustration with this injury has always been about flexibility and the inability to move like I want.  A little pain I can live with.

We have a trip planned to Michigan for my nephew’s delayed wedding reception which should be a very fun weekend.  I’m looking forward to seeing my daughters and I hope to see a few friends as well.  

Finally, while living the beach lifestyle seems carefree, there are the usual errands to run and things like hair appointments, yard work, volunteering, making sure there is food in the house and the list goes on.  Just like all of you, but with palm trees and sand.  One of my goals this week is to test this salmon recipe for a dinner party I am hosting mid month. Except fresh, not frozen salmon.  I’ll report back if it makes the menu.

June has always been a favorite month, because it is my birthday month, so happy June!

P.S. See if you can spot the sleeping puppy getting her dose of Florida sunshine :-)




  1. Awwwww.....what happened to your knee?? I understand tho cuz I’ve got major back problems that I’m doing everything in the world for so I don’t have to have surgery too 🥴.
    Funny tho....just got back from a week on the beach with my gbabies and it hardly bothered me at all while there???!!!! That beach is a cure all for where the stress is low and the fun is high!!!

    1. Just bending too severely, felt a pop and have been dealing with it for 9 months. Doc said torn meniscus, but MRI did not confirm. So PT and shots for inflammation. Glad you had a fun Florida trip!

  2. I enjoy salmon on the grill, it always reminds me of our first friends here in Spokane. She always put salmon on the grill with a little butter and wrapped up in foil. It was SO GOOD!
    Take and stay cool.

    1. Best salmon I ever had was when we were in Vancouver BC - your neck of the woods.

  3. Many prayers for you here. I pray you will get the healing you need. I am out and about catching up everywhere today. I hope you have a good day filled with many blessings. HUGS

  4. Unusual shot from a different angle. The potted plant and sky took center attention, I didn't notice the cute dog enjoying the day until you pointed it out. Happy Birthday and hope your knee gets better. Dropping in from Malaysia.

  5. I prefer a no surgery route too.
    You are inspiring me, to get with my yoga and some PT.
    Being lax with my body since my husbands accident.
    Happy birthday month Vicki . . . yesterday was my eighty plus two.

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! Had a new range of motion test yesterday and it has improved already!

  7. Praying you get the kinks worked out, physical therapy will help! I love the month of June too:) We are planning a beach trip and I look forward to it so much. Enjoy your day and let us know how the salmon turns out! HUGS!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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