Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Day Tripping #2

There are so many things to do and see in this little slice of paradise we live in and we are taking advantage of the summer’s easy going pace by doing a few day trips.  Saturday, we went to Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in Sarasota and enjoyed visiting the fish and turtles up close and personal.  

It is a small aquarium, but the attraction is that it is also a research center.  Mote is very important to this part of the gulf coast by keeping us informed of red tide levels.  Also, they supervise the sea turtle nests on the beaches and rescue the baby turtles that do not make it to the water.  They track the dolphin population and rehabilitate any aquatic life that may be injured by boats.

A new aquarium is being built a few miles away from the current facility and I look forward to visiting that as well when it opens.

We spent about an hour or so there seeing many kinds of fish, but the highlights were the great views of the sharks and manatees.  It’s crazy to think what is lurking under that pretty blue gulf coast water we enjoy so much.

The perfect ending to the day, was lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant on St. Armands Circle, including a glass (or two) of the best sangria.  More adventures to come.

New Mote Aquarium coming soon


  1. It looks like an absolutely wonderful day. How can we already be past the middle of June? The year is flying by.

  2. I love day trips! Visiting your own part of the world, there are so many things right where we live. Mote Aquarium is doing such great things for wildlife, what a blessing to have them near you. Enjoy your adventures!

  3. It sounds like a terrific time and that sangria looks so festive! Isn't it nice to be a little looser?

  4. I love day trips! We watch a show on Smithsonian Channel "How did they build that". I bet this aquarium shows up on there in the future:) Beautiful building. Have a gorgeous day! HUGS!

  5. I love turtles and the picture you have is lovely. I like day trips also however, it is hard to pull my hubby from the garden at this time of year. Thank you for sharing,

    1. Someday I want to see a nest hatch and all the little baby turtles finding their way to the water. The nests are marked, but they don’t put the hatch date because people would do dumb things to see.

  6. I have been to Mote, once a long time ago on a field trip with my older boys. We have the Clearwater Marine Science Center here, home of Winter the Dolphin, I haven't been in ages but should take Little Buddy soon. Glad you had fun.

    1. We need to head your direction soon. Lots of fun things there and I haven’t been to Clearwater Beach in ages.


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