Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Day Tripping


Now that the tourist and snowbird crowds have left Florida, I have made a list of day trips we will take  to places we have not yet been in the four years we have lived here.  First up was less than an hour south to Ft.Myers and the Edison and Ford Winter Estates.  Since my husband worked for Ford Motor Company in Detroit, the ties are strong and we throughly enjoyed it.

Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were friends and two brilliant minds who got away from the rat race and spent time together in Ft. Myers every winter.  The two homes are side by side on beautiful grounds.  There is a water view and both have big porches that you could imagine the families sitting on to enjoy the shade and escape the Florida heat. Both Edison and Ford, along with their wives were avid gardeners, so there is an amazing variety of tropical plants.  Ford’s house was called The Mangoes in honor of the many mango trees.

We strolled around the grounds, listening to a guided tour on an app and it was a great way to spend a morning.  We even continued the Ford theme with lunch at the original Ford’s Garage in downtown Ft. Myers.  

Looking forward to taking you along when we decide where to go next.


  1. That is a wonderful day trip. Many years ago, when I was barely expecting our oldest daughter, we went to Ft. Myers and saw those two places. They are lovely.
    Have a great day and God bless

    1. The gardens were stunning and I am learning every day about tropical plants, so I enjoyed that everything had signs.

  2. That looks like such a lovely day. I really enjoy touring old homes and estates. Our brother (in-law) lives in Miami Beach and someday when Dennis actually retires we're going to visit him. Neither of us have ever been to Florida and I know we would love it.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day trip! Love that house, it's gorgeous. I've always wanted a big porch and that one is just perfect. :) Can't wait for 'our' next adventure!

    1. Too bad they were probably wearing long dresses and suits while porch sitting - in Florida heat!

  4. Writing that again.
    Sounds enjoyable and interesting.
    Looking forward to your next Day Trip!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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