Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Overdue Sister Time


It had been  over a year since I had spent any time with my sister (who lives in Michigan) and we rectified that this past weekend.  She flew in for a quick three dayvisit and it was so much fun.  

Some people like to spend their time in Florida getting as much sun as possible, but she prefers to be out and about, so we were busy.

I picked her up at the airport on Friday and immediately headed for lunch, because everyone needs a tropical drink to start a weekend in sunny Florida.  We headed home for pool time and then went to dinner at the beach and watched the sunset.

On Saturday, we did her favorite thing and walked my favorite beach for shell collecting.  Then, we had lunch and shopped in Venice.  More shopping ensued when we went for dinner in St. Armands Circle and also enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Tommy Bahama Restaurant.

Before her afternoon flight on Sunday, we managed to have breakfast on Sarasota Bay, walk Bayfront Park, shop in Siesta Key Village and grab a pina colada and put our feet in the water at Siesta Key Beach.

All the while, we caught up and talked about everything under the sun, like sisters do.  

Happy Wednesday!


  1. How nice that you could have a great visit with your sister. And just doing simple things... sounds like a wonderful weekend.

    1. Always fun to show visitors our beautiful spot in Florida.

  2. I'm so glad you got to have sister time. Since my move to Nebraska two weeks ago, I've managed to have lots of sister time to. We already have appointments for May 1 to have pedicures with our daughters and Piper. All five of us together will be wonderful. It's been years since we did anything like this.
    I'm glad it was a great weekend for you. Family is SO important.

    1. Everyone has a lot of missed time to try and make up for.

  3. What a great time with your sister! Glad you were finally able to get together.

  4. It’s funny how different guests like to do different things when here. But, there is always lots of choices and the sun is always shining!

  5. Beautiful time together! What a great visit with your Sister, I know you both enjoyed it so much. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Hi Vicki! I'm so glad you had a nice time with your sister and you sure hit some great spots too. I'm from the same area. Our mutual friend Joyce From This Side of the Pond mentioned you and left me your blog address to visit. I'm doing the A to Z challenge this month, my theme is life in Florida. Nice to meet you neighbor. :)

    1. How nice of her! We haven’t met, but I feel like we would be friends if we ever had the chance. I will take a look at your blog posts. Hope you love Florida as much as I do 😀


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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