Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Easter Weekend Florida Style


We were blessed to be able to spend our Easter weekend with both friends and family and in both instances, found a feeling of normalcy and hope. Like so many, last Easter was spent at home, just the two of us.  We missed our Good Friday tradition of Stations of the Cross, followed by a bit of bar hopping with friends.  A tradition that began in Michigan and has since been carried on in Florida.  And, the Easter season is a prime time for family visitors here in Florida, but that was not happening last year as well.

This year, with the vaccine in all our arms, we were able to celebrate together, give hugs and generally pick up on life as we knew it before the word lockdown came into our vocabulary.  Spring and the Easter season always feel hopeful, but this year, the smiles on our faces seem just a bit brighter.

I hope you felt the same.


  1. Doesn't having the vaccine make a world of difference? I can't believe what a relief it is. Your holiday looks fabulous!

  2. So glad you were able to celebrate with family and friends. We were just in PA and it feels far less open despite the vaccine.

    1. Yes, my daughter lives in Pittsburgh and she does have the vaccine because she works for a hospital system, but my son in law does not because they have not opened it up to the younger groups yet.

  3. I am so happy that you were able to celebrate. I am waiting on second vaccine then I hope to feel that normalcy.

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time! It's so different seeing people without masks. Here in WA state we're all still wearing masks. I'm not eligible to get the vaccine for another couple of weeks. I'll be glad when we're back to normal!

    1. All vaccinated and outside in the gulf breezes 😎

  5. Oh yes, we are vaccinated too and I am SO thankful for even the tiniest bit of normalcy. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Thankful for sure! Hope you get your beach vacation soon.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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