Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Easy Carrot Cake Muffins

Pinterest came through again with a easy and delicious recipe that was just what I was looking for.  My friend had to spend the night in the hospital and I wanted to drop off a little something to help her feel better. Muffins or banana bread are my go to for something like this, and I chose this recipe for two reasons.  I know she loves carrot cake and anything with carrot as the main ingredient is perfect for the Easter season.

Carrot Cake can be dry and muffins had the potential to be even drier, but I knew the addition of crushed pineapple would help with that.  And, cake mix recipes are the best if you want easy.

This recipe took minutes to put together and I couldn’t resist trying one before I packed them up.  A dollop of cream cheese frosting was the perfect amount of sweetness.  These are a winner, either at Easter time or really all spring and summer.  Find the original pin here.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Girl Time


If you have adult daughters, I think you will understand what I am about to say next - I adore when one of my daughters comes to visit on her own.  

I love both my son in law and Melissa’s boyfriend and enjoy their company very much.  But, there is something special about mother and daughter time when we talk about everything going on in their lives and easily fall back into the rhythms of conversation that began so long ago when they were teenage girls and they needed Mom’s advise.

Melissa came for a spur of the moment visit, taking advantage of her possibly last stretch of working from home.  Here in Florida, she can set up her laptop and phone next to the pool and enjoy glorious sunshine while typing away. I still did my usual routine during the day, but we were able to spend quality time together at night.  It is always so fun to have either one of my daughters here and whether we go out to a fun spot or stay in and drink wine on the lanai, it doesn’t really matter.  Being together is the point.

And, the best part is that there is more girl time to come.  We are all booked for a mother daughter trip to Key West on Mother’s Day Weekend.  Both girls, sunshine, sunsets and the fun ambience of Key West is definitely something special to look forward to.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Florida Life

This series of photos shows why we love living in Florida so much.  On a random Wednesday, we can decide to take a tiki boat ride for no particular reason, except that it was a nice day.  Everyone is retired, so no worries about it being a week day.  Life is good here, with friends both old and new.  Vaccines are making us feel safer too.  Coastal living, for the relaxation, the beauty and the fun, cannot be beat.  What could be better than feeling like you are on a permanent vacation? 

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 5, 2021

Last Night’s Book Club


The way my book club works is that if you suggest a book, you also volunteer to lead the discussion.  That is no hardship for a book nerd like me, because  I enjoy coming up with questions that are interesting and will move the discussion.  I am drawn to books that will bring personal experiences out and that the members of the book group can relate to or even maybe empathize with the characters.

This book, about of group of ladies facing that next stage in life after widowhood or divorce (similar in age to my book group) and having the courage to move forward by agreeing to live together in Tuscany for a year.  It seemed perfect for a group like us, who had all recently made a move to Florida from another state.  We started the discussion talking about where we came from and what gave us the courage to make such a big change.

Women In Sunlight, by Frances Mayes is a novel, but in a similar style to Under The Tuscan Sun, her more famous memoir.   She fills her books with rich descriptions of food, travel, home improvement and gardening that immerse you in the place, in this case Tuscany.  This is a story of new friendships, having the courage to change and living a different life than you ever imagined.  

Under The Tuscan Sun, is one of my favorite books and while Women In Sunlight, proves that the author is more accomplished at writing non fiction, it is still an enjoyable read and a way to visit Tuscany right from your favorite reading spot.

Happy Reading!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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