Monday, February 15, 2021

What I am Watching


Sometimes, I am more inclined to watch something on Netflix than read and that is where I am lately.  I have found some really good series; some new and some that have been around for awhile.  I love a crime series and found two that really hooked me.  Both are smart, brooding and immerse you in the location (Sweden and Wales) where they were shot, which I love.  The Queen’s Gambit is simply stunning and I especially loved the costumes.  Who knew that a chess tournament could be so exciting?  The Dig is the quiet kind of English countryside story that I enjoy, with the intrigue of an archeological dig and the start of WWII as a backdrop. Think Downton Abbey.

The Dig on Netflix

Hinterland on Netflix

The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix

Young Wallander on Netflix

While The Dig was an original Netflix movie, Young Wallander will return for another season. Hinterland will not from all I can tell.   I’m hoping that The Queen’s Gambit will have another season as well.  There are a lot of shows on Netflix, but finding quality is sometimes difficult.  These are all ones that I was sad to see the final credits roll by and definitely worth watching.


  1. We just watched The Dig last night and really enjoyed it. I watched Hinterland quite a while ago, and love that as well. -Jenn

    1. The Dig was very well done. Did you watch Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society? Hope Netflix makes more in this style.

  2. I loved Hinterland. The scenery was breathtaking, and while the storylines were dark they were so well done. We watched The Dig this weekend. I enjoyed reading about the actual events-so interesting! Have not seen Wallander, but hubs and I loved The Queens Gambit.

    1. Hinterland reminded me of Shetland which is one of my all time favorites.

  3. I've heard that they were all good shows.

    1. I resisted Queen’s Gambit because not really interested in Chess, but it’s so much more.

  4. Loved the Queens Gambit and all the others are on my lst. Really eager for The Dig -- maybe this week!

  5. I have watched all and enjoy. Always been interested in acheology and loved The Dig.

  6. Recently have enjoyed: The Crown (started and stopped when it first came out...not sure why...restarted at the beginning and loved it) We are now watching Lupin which is good, not fabulous, but decent. I will check out The Dig. Appreciate the recommendation.


  7. I appreciate your Netflix “tid bits” . . .
    Books too!


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