Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Snow Memories


It is easy to sit in the sunshine and remember fondly the snowy days of a Michigan winter.  There were the good things.  A cozy day at home with the fireplace going while snow fell softly and covered everything so prettily.  Walking in the woods with the crunch of snow under my boots. Waking up on Christmas morning to fresh snow.  Ice skating on a pond, skiing in fresh powder and taking my daughters sledding on a school snow day with all their friends.

There were also the annoying parts that I don’t miss.  Endless days of morning snow and having to shovel the driveway to take Melissa to pom practice by 6 a.m. on slippery roads.  Having to shovel a tunnel in deep snow, just so my dog could go outside.  The dirty snow piles on the side of the road and in parking lots, taller than your head, that took forever to melt.  Fighting with the snow blower.

But, today I am going to remember how pretty and peaceful it can be on a snowy winter morning.  


  1. Although we're one of the few lucky places up north with no snow right now, we had a LOT earlier in the season. It IS cold though. Bone-chilling cold and we're trying to keep the RV warm.

  2. I don't miss snow one bit!!! I get PTSD when it is on the News! Have a great week, Vicki!

  3. Stay warm & stay safe.
    Unusual here, but area / county that I live in here in Texas we received right around 4inch; which is A lot for us here, but Oh, it was so pretty while it lasted, but with in a day and 1/2 it was gone.
    The snow was just right for building a snowman or even have a snowball fight or 2; (too old for doing things like that now)
    Originally from Iowa, I Don't miss the snow a bit or the freezing temperatures.
    Thanks 4 sharing your lovely photos.
    Enjoy your day and may you have a better day tomorrow.

    1. I used to live in Dallas and I remember when a little bit of snow put everyone in a tizzy!

  4. These are wonderful photos, Vicki. I have a love-hate relationship with winter -- I love looking at the beauty but the cold outside part, not so much!

  5. Oh my gosh you have so much more snow than central Missouri. However we have had below zero temperature for a week now and forecasted another week. Your poor little dog having to go out to potty in that snow LOL.
    I have cancelled all my plans for the next week anyway due to this frigid weather.
    Tahke care and stay warm

    1. That snow is from when I lived in Michigan. I now live in Florida, so no snow for me lol

  6. Beautiful photos. It's snowing here in Seattle as I type this. Everyone I know is so excited, me too! We love the snow!

  7. I remember Michigan winters all to well. The snow was always so beautiful and quiet when it first fell but oh the mess of dirty snow! Stay safe.

  8. Beautiful pictures! We haven't had snow in a few years! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!


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