Sunday, February 28, 2021

Life Lately


We are experiencing the most beautiful weather; the kind that draws you outside where you take notice of the birds chirping, the blue sky and the sunshine.  I also feel incredibly optimistic about Covid, with more and more people getting the vaccine and positivity rates dropping in the state overall and especially my county (Sarasota) and even my zip code at <1%.  Still lots of mask wearing, but otherwise open.

I have been enjoying the pool at home and getting out and about too, like to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning.  How fun to get fresh, local vegetables in the winter and especially strawberries, direct from Plant City. We have a fabulous Farmer’s Market in Venice with live music, a variety of vendors and the added bonus of blue skies and Royal Palms overhead.

 There has been a lot of planting going on both at my house and in my neighborhood where I continue as chair of the Beautification Committee.  We designed a new bed by our pickle ball courts that is getting raves. It’s hard work, but I do love it.  With new plantings in Florida, there is no shirking from daily watering and that is keeping me on my toes, with all the sunny, dry weather.

Here is a sampling of my life lately in photos.  Happy last day of February!


  1. The beds look fabulous! I love the positive attitude you have maintained throughout the pandemic . You’ve kept a balanced perspective.
    Happy Sunday.

  2. Life looks pretty sunny in Florida. So glad you are enjoying your new home state!

  3. The beds are looking wonderful. ..
    I too enjoy your attitude and energy in the midst of pandemic life.
    Our local health center/hospital went from some of the highest patient
    numbers in the state to announcing zero covid patients hospitalized this past week.
    Bit by bit . . .

    1. What fabulous news! I want to visit Michigan and actually see friends and family.

  4. The plant beds are beautiful. Obviously you have a lot of talent in that area. I can't imagine being able to be outside in shorts. We have snow boots and winter coats on! We talked to my brother-in-law who lives in Florida yesterday. He was planning to ride his motorcycle down the keys today. That sounds like fun!

    1. I’m going to Key West Mother’s Day weekend. Love it there!

  5. It sounds lovely. Oh, gardening soon. It's not my strong suit, but I do try a little!

    1. Almost time for the spring bulbs in Michigan. I miss my daffodils!

  6. Beautiful! Enjoy each day. Hugs.

  7. Yeah, Covid had limited our outside movement seriously. But we are lucky enough now vaccine is available and we about to win the challenge of the deadly virus. Well, I was so much charmed and inspired with your sweet startup. the plants bed look so so mind-pleasing. Love your positive concept of life and of course much appreciation for everything you gifted for us. In fact, I was browsing for finding tree removal service near me, but your sweet presentation really made me happy.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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