Friday, January 15, 2021

Winter Reading List


I sound like a Floridian when I say that it has been a chilly winter here with temperatures hovering around 60.  When you are used to the 80’s it’s a big change.  So, as I wrap up in a blanket, (don’t laugh) waiting  to get back in the pool, I have been refining and adding to my reading list.  It’s been a bit sparse for a while, but it looks like February will be a big publishing month at least with the authors I tend to read.

These four books are all by authors I have read before and like.  The Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths is a favorite, but she has also been branching out with an additional series (Brighton Mysteries) and another stand alone title  (The Stranger Diaries) that I have enjoyed. 

Three mysteries have caught my eye or been recommended to me and I have high hopes for all of them.  Two are set in Victorian England and seem quite interesting and different.

Finally, there are a couple of non fiction as well as one fiction, but based on a true story, that I look forward to reading.  If you read this blog regularly, you know I am an Outlander fan and the book by Sam and Graham (Jamie and Dougal) looks delightful and will be an immersion and escape into Scottish life.

Happy Reading!


  1. You have some good ones here. I hope you like Magpie and Vesper Sands. I enjoyed them both.(Magpie now has a sequel -- I think it is called "Moonflower Mysteries." And Elly G. is great -- I've never read her other novels so thanks for the suggestion. You have a great line-up and I look forward to hearing what you think of them!

  2. I am planning on taking a beach trip before too long:) The temps are so inviting. Thanks for the reading list. I really need a good book to snuggle up in a blanket and read:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I haven't been reading at all, just cross-stitching and knitting. I wish it was 60. You would see everyone in shorts and t-shirts if it were that warm here, but I do understand how you aclimate to the weather. My BIL lives near Miami Beach and loves to compare our weather to his. The other day while we were shoveling snow, he was riding his motorcycle down the keys. He is mean! He took great delight in telling us that.

  4. Mrs. Christie is on my list too. I always enjoy seeing what you're reading.


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