Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Keep Moving


Yoga is kind of a passion of mine, but when lock downs started, I let myself get out of the habit of practicing on a regular basis.  Then, when things did open up and there were at least beach yoga classes to attend, I hurt my knee and have been afraid to injure it more.

Well, I am paying for that now.  By not stretching and moving, I have made everything much worse.  I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with pain from IT band tightness.  This can cause pain and irritation in the hip or knee.  I was told to do IT band stretches and apply ice before follow up with an orthopedic doctor if necessary. Yoga is perfect for stretching the hip, so that is what I have been doing; both regular longer practices and ten minute stretches targeted to the IT Band.  I am choosing to practice at home with an app I really like (Down Dog) as well as You Tube.  Until I am able to move my knee a bit better again, that is what feels the most comfortable and I have a pretty good view if I set up my mat poolside.

All this said, the point of this post is advise from a fit mid life women who stopped moving (besides walking) for too long.  It showed me how important it is to stretch and stay strong and flexible.  I want to be active for a long time and it is a slippery slope to aches and pains if you don’t persevere.  My back also paid the price of not stretching and I have been a regular at my massage place.

The good news is that after two weeks of consistent yoga, I already see improvement.  

Namaste my friends.


  1. Excellent message, well said, . . .
    YES . . . Keep on stretching . . .
    Happy you are seeing some improvements!

  2. I think when we stop moving we really age. I enjoy yoga on youtube with Adrienne. Not sure if you've seen her, but she has a wonderful way of instructing and her cute dog Benji lays there and watches : ) Take care!

  3. I'm so sorry that you had an injury. I'm one of those people that doesn't move much other than walking. I need to start doing SOMETHING. Living in an RV doesn't give much room for exercise, gymns are closed and even the activity center here at the park is closed. Excuses, I know, but not sure how to fix them. I think at the end of this lockdown we're going to have a lot of unfit people.

  4. You inspire me to search out some yoga classes or videos. Thanks for this post and I hope you get back to being able to do it all again soon. HUGS!

  5. I'm going to look into some yoga videos. My hips have been hurting to the point where they wake me up at night. Thanks for sharing. hope you feel better soon.

    1. You will be amazed at how good it feels to stretch out your hips!

  6. I had a similar experience in 2020 and it led to a nagging back injury. I started ‘Yoga with Adrienne’ on YouTube and it has transformed my life both mentally and physically. It’s amazing what a pain free life can do to lift the spirits. Glad to hear your experience, Keep at it!


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