Thursday, December 10, 2020

Oatmeal with Cranberry, Apple and Ginger Chutney


It is no secret in my posting history that I am a big fan of Gina at  After Thanksgiving, she posted that a great use for leftover cranberry sauce was to swirl in through your morning oatmeal.  That sounded delicious to me and I had quite a bit leftover, so I couldn’t wait to give it a try.

My homemade cranberry sauce is actually a step up from the norm and a recipe I have been making for years.  This Cranberry, Apple and Ginger Chutney is tart, chunky and the ginger gives it an unexpected flavor. Too good to go to waste and taking Gina’s word for it, I have been enjoying it with my oatmeal for the past week.  It’s so good, I may have to make another batch while fresh cranberries are still to be found at the grocery store.

Cranberry, Apple and Ginger Chutney

1 10 ounce bag fresh cranberries

2 red apples, peeled and chopped

1 tsp fresh ginger

3 T apple cider vinegar

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup orange juice

Combine ingredients in a large pot.  Bring to a simmer and cook until softened, reduced and thickened, about 40-45 minutes.  Stir often during cooking.  Cool and store in fridge. 

Happy Thursday!


  1. I will have to try this. I love adding dried cranberries, walnut, cinnamon and chia seeds to my oatmeal.

  2. I've been trying to eat oatmeal every day for my lunch since for the first time in my life my cholesterol was high this year. I also NEED to lose about 50 lbs. that I put on after all of my surgeries when I couldn't exercise. I put almond slices, flax seed and a bit of brown sugar in mine. I hadn't thought of chia seeds. I think yours would be great if I liked cranberries. :-)

  3. This looks good! Your oatmeal looks like our porridge, it must be the same. I sometimes eat mine with dried cranberries. It makes a lovely breakfast I think, warm and filling. I've seen fresh cranberries in the supermarket. I hope I remember to buy some next time I shop so that I can try your recipe.

    1. I have always assumed that oatmeal and porridge are the same, so yes. This is my Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce recipe, because I can’t stand the stuff from a can.

  4. That's a great idea! I'll remember that one!

  5. That looks delicious! I love cranberry sauce! Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing this yumminess! HUGS!


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