Friday, November 13, 2020

Windy Visit


My daughter and son in law flew in for a weekend visit on the heels of Eta swirling around our stretch  of the Florida gulf coast. We managed a couple of days of pool time, before the wind gusts arrived, but still made the best of it with a windy walk on the beach one morning and dinner at one of our favorite spots Sunday night.  We took them to St. Armands Circle where it is possible to dodge the raindrops if necessary and watched football at an outdoor bar (they are Steelers fans) with Oyster Shooters and Pineapple Upside Down Cake shots.  Then a bit of shopping and dinner at a Cuban/Spanish restaurant with the most delicious pitcher of Sangria.  Monday was a washout with swirling wind and rain, but it was airport day, so that’s ok too.  

I always feel bad when the weather doesn’t cooperate when company comes to visit, but it’s really about being together and luckily, we can be outside here at home on the covered part of our lanai or at the many outdoor dining spaces in the area, so it’s not so bad.  And yes, after they left Eta circled back and while not too bad, we had a crazy windy, rainy day on Thursday, but all is now fine after a bit of cleanup and sunny again.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I can see that you are loving the FL lifestyle! :)

  2. Love hearing about your family and friend visits.
    Sorry about the weather but right you are,
    having time with your daughter and SIL
    made the weekend perfect.
    Thank you for your pictures!

  3. I'm sorry that you had Eta to deal with during the visit but it sure looks as if you made the best of it and still had a wonderful time with your daughter and SIL and that's what is important isn't it?

  4. I'm so glad you were together -- it must feel like a tonic to see them!

  5. Together is good even when the weather isn't perfect. I know you enjoyed their visit. Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Glad your visit went well and Eta didn't cause much damage for you.

  7. So glad you had time with family! They must be pretty happy right now if they're Steelers Fans : )


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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