Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Week


It’s back to normal and on to Christmas mode here, but we had a very fun and busy Thanksgiving week.  My daughter Melissa and her boyfriend were able to schedule a last minute trip from Michigan and worked remotely for a couple days before the holiday.  It was fun to see them place their lap tops on the edge of the pool and happily soak up the sun, while working.

Wednesday afternoon, we rented the boat and captain we have used a few times before and did a little tiki bar hopping.  Melissa and I prepped and cooked when we returned home and in spite of all the cocktails, we got everything done on the list, including baking a pumpkin pie that was perfection.

Thanksgiving was a beautiful, sunny day and like everyone else we ate too much, but how can you not when it’s so delicious.  After serving dessert and finishing the clean up, I was so exhausted, I left everyone else to watch a Christmas movie and happily went to bed, thankful for a good day.  

Friday, after they flew home, a day of rest was much needed after all the shopping and cooking and Saturday was all about Michigan State Football (we upset Northwestern) and Basketball (we beat Notre Dame), so a good day for the Spartans.  

It was lovely week and it wasn’t even that hard to say goodbye knowing that a Christmas visit is right around the corner.

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh I am so happy that you had special guests for Thanksgiving! I know you all had a great time. Now on to Christmasing here at my house! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. It looks like a wonderful visit and a great holiday. So blessed you are to have family visits. It's been a year, (last Thanksgiving), since I saw any of our kids or grandkids. With my heart condition the cardiologist has warned me no travelers or visitors right now. I'm going to be first in line for that vaccine. I miss my family. But, I do enjoy seeing others have a grand time with theirs so thank you for posting this. It gives me hope!
    Blessings and hugs,


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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