Monday, October 26, 2020

What’s New (Coastal Decor)


I realized that it had been quite some time since I did a house update.  We passed our third anniversary in our new Florida home at the beginning of June and it has been a process of finding just the right pieces.  Also, we have made a few changes after living with things for a bit. Anyone who has built a home knows what a whirlwind process it can be when you are picking things out and it’s really hard to get everything exactly right. Of course the biggest change was putting in a pool, but this post is about that coastal decor with pops of color that I so love.

We hated the carpet in the bedrooms, even though we upgraded from builders grade, so recently we put tile in the master bedroom and the bedroom we use as a den/guest room.  The master has the same tile as the main areas of the house (large neutral squares and on the diagonal) and the guest bedroom/den has tile that looks like wood flooring.  We love both choices and added fun, colorful rugs as well.

The pendant lights we had in the kitchen were never a favorite, because they were too small for the space.  This was an easy change and I love the shape and the coastal look they bring.

Finally, we replaced a piece of furniture that was from our Michigan home and never looked quite right here in Florida.  Dark wood in the north fits, but not so much in a coastal home.  There is a furniture store we love in Sarasota that has custom painted pieces like sideboards and cabinets and we chose an eclectic painted cabinet for a nook area in our hallway.  I had a lot of fun filling the shelves with both purchased and found seashells.

Next up is redoing the other guest room and switching from twin beds to a queen.  

Happy Monday!


  1. Your home looks beautiful. It's so cold and snowy here that I can't imagine beach decor right now. I want quilts and afghans to cozy up in! Thank you for sharing with us. You have beautiful taste.

  2. Looks beautiful Vicki . . .
    Michigan is quite chilly these days!
    Enjoy your warmth!

  3. I love your updates! Everything has a perfect coastal vibe. After we flooded in Hurricane Harvey 3 years ago, we replaced all of our downstairs flooring with wood-look tile. I love it so much! With a pool, dog and lots of patio living here in Houston, it is the perfect low-maintenance flooring for us!

  4. Beautiful! Love the changes, I need change at my house too:) I can't believe you have been there that long, wow. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I like this so much. The coastal colors work so beautifully and I really love your floor!

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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