Wednesday, September 30, 2020



As September comes to a close, I went back and looked at my photos to see what the month brought, because for some reason, it flew by and here we are ready to begin a new month.  For us in Southwest Florida, so far so good on the hurricane season and making it through September without a major storm is a good sign.  In fact we have a cool morning (in the high 60’s) and I have my windows open for the first time since April.  

We were out and about this month, but also stuck close to home.  A good mix of both.  The highlight was renting a boat for the day and exploring the Intercoastal Waterway on our own.  We used to own a boat, so no worries there, but just figuring out a different type of boating.  We are considering a boat club, where you have access to boats, but still have some thinking to do.  

We have enjoyed sunsets on our own and with friends and went to breakfast on the scooter one sunny morning.  I took an unexpected trip to Michigan and once again my air travel experience felt very safe.  It was for a sad reason, with the sudden death of a friend, but did get to see Melissa.  In fact, we have much to look forward to this fall with visits scheduled from both girls in the upcoming weeks.

Finally, I am late to the party on this one, but am enjoying binging Ozark on Netflix.  It’s dark and twisty and the characters and actors portraying them are so good.  The story of normal people thrown into abnormal circumstances and how they react is fascinating.

Happy last day of September!


  1. I'm glad you had such a great September. Ours was bittersweet with the loss of our dear sister from cancer. She was only 56 and way too young to be gone. Dennis drove from Washington to Omaha and back twice in September. It was a gorgeous month weather-wise here if you pretended the smoke from the wildfires wasn't here. Today is a bright sunshiney fall morning. It's a crisp 36F right now but supposed to be almost 80 today. There is a whiff of smoke in the air but not as bad as it has been.
    I've read about the boat clubs and they sound like a great idea. No worries about maintenance which is always nice with boats!

  2. Thanks for the reassurance on flying. We are going to Atlanta soon and it helps to know you felt it was safe. Here's to a happy and healthy October.

  3. It sounds that all things considered, you had a pretty "normal" month. Well done. Time does go fast in the nice weather (although for you, apart from hurricanes, it's usually nice!). Winters here are long and I'm not eager for them.

  4. Oh that beautiful orange sky, my FAVE! Takes my breath away! September came and went pretty quickly, October has arrived with a little cooler weather and lower humidity. Welcoming Fall where I am! HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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