Monday, September 14, 2020

Life Thoughts

Sometimes life comes at you hard.  And there are two ways to react to a sudden loss.  You might question your faith and rail against the unfairness of it all.  Or, you might choose to appreciate the good that you have and continue to rely on your faith for strength and comfort. 

My group of Michigan friends lost a great guy suddenly last week.  These are my people; the ones we have history with, the ones who know my daughters and my daughters consider them family.  My friend, the wife of the great guy, is understandably sad and broken, but we will all lift her and her four young adult children up the best we can.  It’s one of those situations where there are really no words, but just your presence can make a small difference.

I flew to Michigan for the funeral and am so glad I did.  It reminded me that there was a reason all those years ago, that we became friends and navigated the child raising years together in our close knit parish.  We will need each other even more as life’s most difficult moments come.  But, we will also find a way to celebrate the happy moments as well; weddings, grandchildren and retirements.  

I plan to get my friend to Florida as soon as she is ready.  She can sit with her face to the sun or experience the beauty of a sunset and maybe heal just a little bit.  And we will keep the faith.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My Cousin's wife lost her battle with cancer this morning. Sadness all around. We will be praying for ALL of those families who have lost loved ones. HUGS!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but glad you were able to attend the funeral. I hope that some sunshine will heal your friend's heart sometime soon.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. There seems to be so much loss right now. My SIL's funeral was Saturday which was the 5th death in our family this year. 2020 has not been kind.

  4. I'm so sorry about your friend's loss, but we were called to share one another burdens and that is exactly what you're doing. Prayers for her family in the days ahead.

  5. Sad, sad for your friend and her loss.
    Sad for you and and her other friends, as well.

    Having endured sudden loss of my husband
    at our young age of 41, I can attest . . .
    friends are the best.
    How wonderful you are there for her.
    It is a God Bless . . .

  6. I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. It's really difficult, losing friends, and of course it will happen more and more with age. I know your friend's wife will be grateful for an escape to someone who knows her well.

  7. So sorry for your loss, Vicki. Our family suffered a terrible loss when my brother in law died in his sleep. It feels surreal.

  8. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. I feel like anything hard is extra hard during this particular season we're in. Take care.


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