Friday, September 18, 2020

Easy Apple Dump Cake


There really are nothing like fall desserts and while I like to save the pumpkin flavors for later, September is all about apples for me.  

I saw this recipe and since I like my baking as easy as possible, it went on my list to make.  It is a dessert, but for me, it sounded like the perfect breakfast as well.  I didn’t calculate the carbs (probably bad), but limited myself to a small serving and added a dollop of vanilla yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

So, think outside the box and have this cake for breakfast.  It has all the fall flavors you crave and with the yogurt, is a delicious treat to start any day off right.  Especially if sweet versus savory is your breakfast vibe.


  1. This apple dump cake recipe looks good and not a lot of sugar added. I would like to make this sometime soon. Have a Happy Friday and weekend.

  2. Sounds yummy, I found one similar I plan to try . . .
    Picking some apples this weekend . ..
    An apple a day . . . you know what they say ...

  3. Yum! Sounds like something delicious to make for breakfast or dessert! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!


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