Friday, September 4, 2020

Copycat Starbucks Frappuccino


I wish there was a Starbucks a bit closer to where I live, and I have high hopes there will be soon, when a new hospital a few miles away is completed.  In the mean time, a craving on a hot day for a frozen drink, led me to research and ultimately put together a copycat version that suited my tastes.  And, it’s pretty delicious.

To make:

In a blender or bullet, add 1 1/4 cup crushed ice, 3/4 cup chilled coffee (I used decaf), 1/2 cup half and half (or any milk substitute), 1 Truvia and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.  Blend until smooth.  Put in a tall glass and if you like, top with whipped cream and an additional drizzle of chocolate syrup.



  1. A smile for you, sounds so good.
    I can do this . . .
    Regular coffee for me, no whip.
    Labor Day Weekend Trial
    I will let you know . . .
    (Wish we had a closer Starbucks, Iced Mocha is a favorite.)

  2. Sounds yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. I'm not a big coffee drinker but this sounds good! I'd probably just add a lot more chocolate. :)


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