Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Life Lately


I have been feeling the need to get back into my routine - pre covid.  That means yoga in my clubhouse on Mondays, golf at least once a week and my regular volunteer gardening job on Thursday mornings.  I recently resigned from a big volunteer commitment with my HOA and took on something with less hours.  This gives me more time for beach walks, additional yoga on the beach and exploring the area with my husband.  There is a lot that is safe to do and I’m ready to get back to the Florida lifestyle I love.

This past Thursday, we entertained at home for the first time in a long time and it felt so good to cook some fun recipes and bring out my favorite platters and martini glasses.  Just two other neighborhood couples and we did appetizers and cocktails here and then walked a couple houses away for dinner and dessert.  I made Raspberry Lemon Drop Martinis and they were so good. (1 ounce each raspberry vodka, citrus vodka and triple sec, 2 ounces lemonade and 1/2 of a freshly squeezed lemon)

Also close to home, my neighborhood has been having Food Truck Tuesdays and so far, we have tried pizza and barbecue, with tacos and lobster rolls on the schedule.  Last night, there was a doggie treat truck and needless to say, my pup loved her banana, peanut butter frozen yogurt in a “woofle” bowl.

Finally, we are having our usual summer thunderstorms most days and Monday morning there was a beautiful rainbow.  Always the sign of a good week to come. 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Beautiful rainbow. I know you enjoyed having guests at your house. We need to grab some NORMAL when we can. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. That looks like some storm. I feel PRETTY normal all through this except for having to think about everything I do and not shopping -- which is probably a good thing! But I think that might get much more difficult in winter. Glad you're getting some of your own back!

  3. What a beautiful rainbow! I'm glad you're able to do things with others and still stay safe. We basically only socialize with two other couples that we know stay at home and work from home.

  4. Sounds like you are having fun while staying safe. The storms have been amazing this past week. Stay safe.

  5. I bet you feel a little relieved to not have the volunteer position anymore. Good for you for stepping back and choosing the less stressful things! Beautiful pictures!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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