Friday, July 31, 2020

Saying Goodbye to July

We are in the thick of our hot, hot summer weather and we are still thinking our pool was the best decision ever.  I try to a avoid the prime ultraviolet sun hours and have been enjoying the pool around five o’clock with a happy hour cocktail.  I have a squishy, noodle type chair that I float around on and it is perfection.  Also, the sunsets lately have been spectacular.

A tropical storm or weak hurricane is headed our way, but will most likely stay east and we will only get the outer rain bands.  It’s always a stressful time here in Florida as we enter the prime hurricane season.  I have found a weatherman that I trust and I only panic when he says to.  We did invest in a generator, so we are good to ride out anything, but a direct hit, category 5.  In fact, now that this is our 4th hurricane season, I am getting quite blasé about the whole thing.  I guess I am becoming a true Floridian.

My husband recently purchased a new toy, perfect for Florida exploring.  We have a scooter now and last week, went in the morning one day for beach walking and breakfast at one of my favorite spots in downtown Venice.  Lots of fun times ahead with the scooter and don’t worry - we stick to the less traveled routes and wear our helmets.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I don't think I'd survive our Houston summer heat without some time in the pool! Have a good weekend!

  2. That is such a pretty pool with the sunset view. Lucky you. We've had lots of heat this week, 101F today, but thankfully humidity is low so if you can get in the shade it's survivable.
    Your scooter looks like fun too. When our daughter lived on the Cheaspeake Bay near Annapolis they worried during hurricane season too. Now they live in tornado alley.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Beautiful sky and pool, so happy that you are loving it! We still enjoy our pool and have had a pool at two different houses for almost 35 years. We have lived where we are not for 18 years and this pool was installed as the house was being built:) Enjoy your scooter, I know you will. Stay safe dear friend, I pray that you will be spared from the storm. HUGS!

  4. What a pretty view from your pool! We are grateful for the lake which is super clear and never really cold. I'm glad you're so happy in your new home.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I'm glad to hear you're prepared for the incoming storm. I've been a west coast girl my whole life and don't know if I could live where there is a hurricane season every year!

  6. I wasn't even aware there was a storm out there until late in the week. When I had to go to the grocery store there was water and all the essentials needed so apparently no one here was taking it seriously. There are plenty of storms to take seriously, this one not so much. Stay safe.

  7. That scooter is COOL! Glad the storm wasn't as bad as it could have been.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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