Thursday, July 9, 2020


  • Sitting at an airport waiting to fly to see my daughters.  I am being extremely careful - mask, hand sanitizer, wipes, keeping away from people, window seat and will lay low at home when I return.  It seems everyone is out doing everything they want  and I’m not willing to go any longer without seeing my daughters.  Just because I am a rule follower.  They need to see their Mom and I need to see them.
  • Making a list of Florida friendly plants that I want to buy and plant soon.  I discovered a great plant nursery and have a few new types I want to try.  I’m learning in Florida that an area that gets full sun, really needs a plant that can stand the heat.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to water if it’s 90 plus degrees every day, with unrelenting sun.  Purslane and Mexican Petunias are my two new discoveries.
  • Reading book three of a fairly new detective series.  The Roxane Weary series by Kristen Lipionka is about a female PI in Columbus, Ohio and I enjoy the Midwestern setting, the feisty and flawed main character and her relationships with her family and friends. 
  • Watching Bloodline on Netflix.  I know I am late to the party on this one, but it’s set in beautiful Islamorada in the Florida Keys and it has an old Florida vibe I recognize as true to life.  Great story and family dynamics too.  Isn’t it funny that you can immediately tell a series is a few years old because of the phones (flip phones especially).
  • Looking forward to seeing my daughter and son in law’s new house that they closed on in March, right when all this covid nonsense changed everything.  When I can’t be with my daughters, it helps me to see the spaces they are living in.  Just a mom thing for sure. We like to know are children are safe and settled.  Same for Melissa when I can finally get to Michigan and see her new rental house as well.
  • Still getting a Hello Fresh delivery about once a month and still enjoying the meals.  Last night was Margarita Chicken - chicken with melted mozzarella and chopped tomatoes with basil and balsamic reduction over garlic butter spaghetti. Yum!
Happy Thursday!


  1. I know how you feel about seeing your daughters. We just returned from seeing ours (she lives a 10 hour drive away). They closed on their newly built house in May and we were supposed to be there to help with the move and couldn't go. We missed our grandson's sixth birthday. I'm not yet ready to try any public transportation but felt safe in making the drive.I hope you have a wonderful visit and safe travels to and from.

  2. Thanks for the book recommendation! I am always looking for good detective / mystery series! I will check with my library and give it a try.

  3. Thanks for the book recommendation! Have you read the Kate Burkholder series by Linda Castillo? Amish mysteries that are set in Holmes County Ohio. Enjoy your visit!

  4. Enjoy visiting your daughters, it will be wonderful x

  5. Have a safe and lovely trip. I know it will be wonderful.

  6. Love hearing that you are here, with a visit with your daughters.
    All is right with the world when we can have those moments . . .
    Stay cool . . . warm HOT up here!

    1. I’m not in Michigan, but am in PA. Keeping to ourselves and having a great time 😀

  7. Surprise Surprise, my comment went though!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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