Friday, July 31, 2020

Saying Goodbye to July

We are in the thick of our hot, hot summer weather and we are still thinking our pool was the best decision ever.  I try to a avoid the prime ultraviolet sun hours and have been enjoying the pool around five o’clock with a happy hour cocktail.  I have a squishy, noodle type chair that I float around on and it is perfection.  Also, the sunsets lately have been spectacular.

A tropical storm or weak hurricane is headed our way, but will most likely stay east and we will only get the outer rain bands.  It’s always a stressful time here in Florida as we enter the prime hurricane season.  I have found a weatherman that I trust and I only panic when he says to.  We did invest in a generator, so we are good to ride out anything, but a direct hit, category 5.  In fact, now that this is our 4th hurricane season, I am getting quite blasé about the whole thing.  I guess I am becoming a true Floridian.

My husband recently purchased a new toy, perfect for Florida exploring.  We have a scooter now and last week, went in the morning one day for beach walking and breakfast at one of my favorite spots in downtown Venice.  Lots of fun times ahead with the scooter and don’t worry - we stick to the less traveled routes and wear our helmets.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, July 24, 2020

My Favorite Breakfast Smoothie

When you are a diabetic, you start every morning with the best intentions and for the most part I succeed.  My routine calls for testing my blood sugar first thing and since the downfall with my control is my morning fasting numbers, (too high because of how my pancreas processes glucose when I wake up) I try to wait a bit before I eat to let things even out with my meds.

This smoothie is just the thing after I have a cup of coffee and want something to get me through the morning.  It has limited carb servings (3-4), protein to balance the carbs, is adaptable for flavor variety and most important, quick and delicious.

I always have the ingredients in my pantry and fridge and keep a variety of frozen fruit on hand.  When I have a too ripe banana, I slice it into 2 servings, place in a baggie and freeze.  I use a Magic Bullet and all the parts can go in the dishwasher.  Today a Mango Smoothie - tomorrow I might change to to blueberry.  Sometimes I add spinach for added health benefits.

 Endless flavor possibilities.

Breakfast Smoothie

Place in this order in your bullet or blender

1/2 cup crushed ice
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
Splash of lowfat milk
Handful of frozen fruit
1/2 frozen banana
1 T peanut butter
1/4 cup oatmeal
Splash of lowfat milk

Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2020

My Covid Air Travel Experience

First, let me say that I am currently keeping myself home for 2 weeks since I traveled.  It seems there are a lot of opinions out there, but I was very careful, do not live in a hot spot (my area of Florida is fine) and was not going to a hot spot.  I think people need to make their own decisions as long as guidelines are followed.

I flew from Ft. Myers to Pittsburgh and did everything I could to be as safe as possible.  I chose to fly Southwest Airlines because the middle seats are open through September.  I paid for early check in so I could make sure and get a window seat.  I carried on my bag, so less people would touch it.  I had wipes to clean surfaces and my hands when I touched anything.

The airports were quite empty and everyone was wearing a mask, no exceptions.  There was a constant reminder over the speaker that it was required in the terminal.  Because it was so empty, there was plenty of room to spread out and social distance.  Southwest boarded ten at a time, so there was no backup on the jetway.

My flights had fewer than fifty people, so again, plenty of room to spread out.  Masks were required at all times and everyone had a row to themselves.  Only water and a small snack were offered.

Overall I was very impressed with both Southwest Airlines and the airport terminals for the protocol they had in place.  People were respectful of social distancing.  It felt safer than Publix at times where I find many to be oblivious.  Obviously, traveling is not something we as a country are all going to run out and do on a whim, but it was important to me to see my daughters.  We stuck close to my daughter’s home and it all felt just fine.  I never thought I would have this to contend with when I moved away from family, so at some point, you figure out a way.  You can see from these smiles any travel angst was worth it.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


  • Sitting at an airport waiting to fly to see my daughters.  I am being extremely careful - mask, hand sanitizer, wipes, keeping away from people, window seat and will lay low at home when I return.  It seems everyone is out doing everything they want  and I’m not willing to go any longer without seeing my daughters.  Just because I am a rule follower.  They need to see their Mom and I need to see them.
  • Making a list of Florida friendly plants that I want to buy and plant soon.  I discovered a great plant nursery and have a few new types I want to try.  I’m learning in Florida that an area that gets full sun, really needs a plant that can stand the heat.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to water if it’s 90 plus degrees every day, with unrelenting sun.  Purslane and Mexican Petunias are my two new discoveries.
  • Reading book three of a fairly new detective series.  The Roxane Weary series by Kristen Lipionka is about a female PI in Columbus, Ohio and I enjoy the Midwestern setting, the feisty and flawed main character and her relationships with her family and friends. 
  • Watching Bloodline on Netflix.  I know I am late to the party on this one, but it’s set in beautiful Islamorada in the Florida Keys and it has an old Florida vibe I recognize as true to life.  Great story and family dynamics too.  Isn’t it funny that you can immediately tell a series is a few years old because of the phones (flip phones especially).
  • Looking forward to seeing my daughter and son in law’s new house that they closed on in March, right when all this covid nonsense changed everything.  When I can’t be with my daughters, it helps me to see the spaces they are living in.  Just a mom thing for sure. We like to know are children are safe and settled.  Same for Melissa when I can finally get to Michigan and see her new rental house as well.
  • Still getting a Hello Fresh delivery about once a month and still enjoying the meals.  Last night was Margarita Chicken - chicken with melted mozzarella and chopped tomatoes with basil and balsamic reduction over garlic butter spaghetti. Yum!
Happy Thursday!

Friday, July 3, 2020

Egg Roll in a Bowl

Want a simple, quick recipe that is also delicious (and low carb)?  This recipe for Egg Roll in a Bowl checks all the boxes.  What drew me to this particular version (there are a lot out there) is that it is made with ground chicken instead of ground pork.  I will eat ground pork, but I much prefer chicken.

The recipe goes together quick, in one pot and the only thing I had to buy, besides the chicken and coleslaw mix, was sesame oil.  After eating it, I would recommend one change.  There could have been a bit more sauce to coat the chicken, so next time I would add more soy sauce at that stage of the recipe.  I served this with coconut shrimp on the side and the combination was perfect.

I love Chinese food and all the flavors, but don’t always like what in does to my blood sugar numbers, so this is a healthy version that I will make again and again.

Happy 4th and God Bless America!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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