Thursday, June 4, 2020

No Sunny Days

The world feels upside down at the moment.  Just a comment, not a political post.  We have law enforcement officers in our family, so it all just feels personal.

Tropical Storm Cristobal is causing rainy conditions that started yesterday and will continue through the weekend, as the outer bands reach Florida.  Sometimes in Florida it’s hard to lend credence to the turmoil happening in the world when the sun shines most days, the water is blue and the flowers bloom year around. Perhaps, these rainy days are appropriate.

In a way it feels like whiplash.  On top of losing both my parents within a few months, first Covid and now this. Is the lockdown over?  I will use these rainy days to hit the pause button.  The sun will shine again soon.


  1. Yes it is all overwhelming. I took a short trip to visit my Granddaughter and her family for the birth of my GREAT-Grandson but otherwise still just staying in. I pray that these days will be behind us and brighter days will be ahead! HUGS!

  2. Life is entirely overwhelming right now. My brother died last weekend from Covid and it still doesn't feel real. I'm praying for a return to life as we know it soon. It's been a terrible year for so many so far.

  3. Completely overwhelming. I know there are good officers out there and it's sad that the actions of a few make the whole bunch seem bad. I pray safety around your family members. Seattle's in a rain/sunshine/rain pattern. Summer unofficially starts here on July 5th. :)

  4. I remember losing four family members in four months, it was six years ago and I just could not process all that grief, it was too much way too fast. Covid and of course all the protests and riots just puts a whole different spin on things. It is raining cats and dogs out right now, I love it and it is much needed. Stay safe.

    1. Suns out a little bit today here. I do like the rain and we need it, but not quite so much!

  5. Praying for you law enforcement family ♡
    Paul and I were thinking about driving to florida the other day and I swear, there seems to be a storm cloud over the entire state. Hope you get some sunshine soon!!!

    1. Thanks - it’s hard to see some of the opinions and signs out there. Sun out a little bit today. Now just our typical rainy season where we have a brief afternoon thunderstorm every day.

  6. I lost my Dad in February , then Covid and now this national unrest. My husband is a retired NYPD Lieutenant so I can totally relate to your post and your feelings.
    Nature is supposed to heal us, so I’m very sorry you can’t even rely on turn to your friends and family and know this too shall pass.


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