Friday, June 26, 2020

June (so far) In Photos

Yes, Florida covid numbers are up, but in my little Gulf Coast bubble, we are fine.  We are smart and mainly do things outside if we go out it the world.  Not a lot of words today, but a lot of pretty pictures showing I have been golfing, gardening, enjoying my beautiful surroundings and having a few cocktails on restaurant patios.

Just another month in paradise.


  1. That's how I feel about life in our suburban Houston area right now. The numbers for Houston are climbing, but we are mainly at home or outside, with a few trips to the store. Your hibiscus is gorgeous. Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm glad you're being safe now. The news makes Florida, and Washington where I am sound very scary. I'm staying at the trailer and not around many people so we should be fine too. Enjoy the beautiful summer.

  3. What I would give to just have a few days on my precious beach...we had to cancel our annual family beach trip this yr as well as my two girlfriend trips to destin that we do every yr. if only to walk the white sands at sunset and spend the morning sunrises lost in photography again...
    Enjoy your days and plz take one walk for me! With sand squiggling thru your toes!!!

  4. I looks terrific, Vicki. Glad you are staying safe and well - the FL stats are grim. In Lansing, a bunch of kids went to Harper's and now there are more than 75 confirmed covid cases tracked directly to that. They suspect more that haven't yet been tested for the time period and are asymptomatic. I'm at the lake. It's easy to isolate in beauty!

  5. Florida is a scary place right now. The numbers are up where I live. Stay safe.

  6. Looks perfect to me:) I am trying to steer clear of the virus while living my life. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. Who knows what to think and believe. We're glad we have the lake and plenty of outdoor space to enjoy. I did the dreaded grocery run today-ugh! Thankfully my neighbor will still have fireworks and boats will hang out in our cove so it will feel a little celebratory. Enjoy the 4th!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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