Friday, June 19, 2020

Easy Summer Cocktail for One

Recently, as a fun way to unite all the guests at our half virtual and half in person bridal shower, we sent everyone invited a cocktail recipe in advance.  I made it for my Zoom session that day and found it so delicious that I have been making it as my go to pool side cocktail all month.

I did make a few tweaks of the original recipe and will give you my quick version for a single cocktail.  The biggest substitution is to use sparkling water or club soda instead of Prosecco.  It’s not really practical to open a fresh bottle of expensive Prosecco every time you want to make a cocktail for one.  Also, I regularly substitute gin for vodka depending what I am in the mood for.  The frozen blackberries turn the drink a pretty shade of pink, but you could use frozen strawberries or raspberries if thats what you have.

Here’s how I make it:

Fill a glass with ice and then fill halfway with light lemonade.  Add 1 ounce vodka (or gin) and fill remainder of glass with sparkling water (or Prosecco).  Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.  Finish by adding a few frozen blackberries and a slice of lemon.



  1. Yum! I have a virtual bridal shower on my calendar tomorrow. I might just make this one!

    1. If you want to make in a pitcher, like I do sometimes, just increase everything in proportionally. It’s really pretty in a clear pitcher with a few sprigs of mint.

  2. Sounds refreshing to me! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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