Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Weekend Snapshots

We started off the holiday weekend by indulging in one of our favorite things to do here on the gulf coast. There are tiki bars all long the Intercoastal Waterway and we hired a boat with a captain (we used her before for my husband’s surprise birthday weekend)  to cruise and bar hop for three hours, from Venice north to Sarasota.  The weather was hot and sunny, we enjoyed  introducing the fun to another couple and felt confident the gulf breezes and the heat would kill any nasty germs.  A few rum runners were enjoyed by all.

Otherwise, the holiday weekend was quiet.  We started our rainy season right on cue, with lots of rain and thunderstorms.  It was feeling very tropical with high heat and high humidity, which will be the norm the rest of the summer.  Here’s hoping the big hurricanes stay away.

Of course, we flew the flag all weekend, remembering those that sacrificed to make us free.  And somehow, the word freedom seems to mean a lot more right now.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. You just get cuter and younger by the day!!! That southern sunshine sure looks good on you!!

  2. Looks like a great way to spend the Holiday! I pray the storms stay away from your place! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Oh that sounds so fun! Glad you had a good time!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  5. Looks like an Amazing weekend for you..!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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