Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cinco de Mayo Beach Style

As life starts to open up in Florida, we are finding ways to get back to normal, but in a smart way.  We all feel pretty comfortable with being outside and maintaining social distancing.  Social interaction with friends is necessary and in the midst of this cataclysmic change to how we interact, we will find new and different ways to connect.

Dinner parties at home are out, but what we did for Cinco de Mayo, may become the new normal.  We each brought our own “picnic dinner”.  We each brought our own margaritas.  We were the required distance apart, but conversation still flowed freely.  We laughed, we shared stories and we did everything we could to build a bridge between what was and what will have to be.

We are blessed to live in a beautiful location, with wide open space on the beach.  There was no one around our little group of six, the gulf breezes are nothing but heathy and the sunset is a balm to the soul.  How could anyone say that this type of moving forward is a bad thing?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I'm so glad you were able to see friends. You know, I'm beginning to dislike the term, "the new normal". I'm wanting my old life back! This new normal stinks. :-)
    What a lovely place to meet everyone. Sunset on the beach. Lovely.

  2. The beach makes these types of gatherings more manageable. Enjoy!!

  3. Good for y’all!!! We should all be so lucky to have such a peaceful place to get thru this. We just had to cancel our annual family beach trip. I don’t know who is going to tell my grandbabies but it’s NOT going to be me ��. They start asking when we can go back the week after we get home every yr...
    Small children DO NOT understand the corona virus.

  4. PERFECT way to be together while staying safe! We can do this and it won't last forever! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. We too have social distanced with good fiends
    with a driveway camp fire and s’mores!
    Amazing how refreshing it feels to look at a friend, six feet apart!
    Such a treat instead of a text or phone call.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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