Friday, May 8, 2020

A Little Pout

In my favorite movie, Terms of Endearment,  Emma (Debra Winger) tells her husband “I think I’m entitled to a little pout” when he shares news about an upcoming move. In light of all the things being cancelled due to Coronavirus, what I am sharing is not nearly of the same magnitude, but it still feels sad to me.

After my mother passed away in February, I got it in my head that I could get through the funeral and the first weeks of grief, if I had a plan in place to spend time with my daughters.  Time gets away and since we live in three different cities, it’s important to keep connected.  I knew it would help me heal.

After much schedule arranging, we made plans for them to fly to Florida for Mother’s Day weekend, all meet in Ft. Myers and take a boat to Key West together.  A weekend of sunsets, margaritas and bar hopping on Duval Street was in store.  And lots of catching up.

Sounds so simple, but right now, seems unimaginable how we can even reschedule.  I know we will figure out a way to be together, even if it’s a weekend around my pool, but the fact that I should be giving them both a hug right now is making me sad.  And worth a little pout.

Happy Mother’s Day


  1. Oh, Friend, that is totally worth the pout! I've been seeping in my own sadness lately. We had to cancel our Maui plans in April and that was so disappointing to me, too. At least you have a beach, sunsets, and lots of drinks where you are now. Cheers to the weekend!

  2. I understand and hope you can make a new plan soon! We certainly have the right to pout, I want to see my Granddaughter and Great-granddaughter but just can't right now. Traveling to their state will have to wait a while longer. HUGS!

  3. We're all having our own "little pouts" right along with you over various things. I was supposed to be in Japan for the cherry blossoms with my youngest son this spring. Well, that was OUT!
    My sister in law has pancreatic and bone cancer and we can't see her or any family so our trip to Nebraska to try to visit her is also canceled.
    Life has been upended for so many people and it's so frustrating and sad.
    I hope you can at least facetime, skype or zoom with your daughters this weekend.

  4. That has to be hard. The only thing I miss during this is to not be able to see the grands. Well, and my fall trip to England. But I know so many are experiencing so much worse, I feel guilty for that.

  5. I know exactly how your feel. We had a trip to Virginia schedule in April for our grandson's birthday. Needless to say it was cancelled and I was very, very disappointed... and I had a pout. We only get to see them three or four times a year (we live in NY) and it seemed very unfair to me to have to cancel. We will probably have to miss his little brother's birthday in July and who knows if our September visit will be able to happen. Sigh... but it is what it is, isn't it? I hope you get to see your daughters very soon!

  6. You are indeed able to have a pot about that missed trip. Hopefully things will open up safely, not that they have so far and you can have that trip you deserve.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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