Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Let’s Cook Together 2

How is the cooking going?  I have decided that we are at the point where dinner and a cocktail are the highlight of the day, so I might as well keep some variety going.  We are barbecuing a bit, I’m making some tried and true favorites and even tried Hello Fresh for the first time.  I thought it would be a good way to get fresh food in the house, without going to the grocery store.  At some point, I will write a post on my thoughts, but I will say now that I have enjoyed the cooking process and every meal I ordered has been full of flavor.

My recipe choice to share as a cook along is a hearty soup made with ingredients most have in their pantry, fridge and freezer.  Its comfort food that can be made either in the crock pot or on the stove top and the ingredients can be adapted to what you have on hand.

Its hot here in Florida, but for the rest of you dealing with rainy, spring days, this is the perfect simple meal with some bread as an accompaniment.  First published January 15, 2015.

Let’s cook together and then tell me what you think.  Stay safe!

Farmhouse Hamburger Soup


  1. I'm into soups lately and may well add this one to the rotation. It's still cool up here!

  2. I made a wonderful chicken noodle soup Saturday night from a rostisserie chicken I had deboned and froze in packages before all of this "stuff" began. It was SO good. Last night we had fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. Pure comfort food.

  3. YUM! We had soup earlier this week, french onion soup. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I have not cooked this many meals in a row in a long time, but I'm mostly enjoying it. I am less wasteful and more creative in the kitchen than I have been in a long time. I do miss restaurant dining, particularly now that the weather is warming up but we're making it work here.

  5. Chicken Carnitas are on my “to do” . . .
    My friend made, loved, used the chicken in other recipes too.
    Chicken is cooked in crock pot . . .
    Wish I could show you the pic . . .
    I will send recipe by email.

  6. Sent, love that Paprika app.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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