Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Hello Fresh Review

 Because we are all looking for ways to stay out of the grocery store and also think of something new to cook, I decided to finally give Hello Fresh a try.  For those not familiar, it is a meal delivery service with fresh ingredients needed to prepare a restaurant quality meal at home.  You sign up, pick your meals and they are delivered on dry ice, right to your door.  You can skip a week anytime.

My experience has been a good one, but I learned a few things along the way.  First, the two person meals are not for us.  For this plan, you choose three different meals, which brings too much pressure for me to cook them while everything is still fresh.  Also, I like to have leftovers and depending on the meal you choose, it’s barely enough for two.  For example, two small pork chops doesn’t work for my husband and I.

The second week I switched to the four serving meals and it was much better for us.  Plenty of food and only two meals to choose and cook.  It’s not a budget friendly choice, but still less expensive than going to a restaurant.

The recipe cards are fun to cook with, but I wouldn’t say that this is novice cooking.  You have to understand timing and have some basic cooking skills.  There is usually a lot happening at once and a lot of pots and pans are used.  I think it would be a fun couple activity and an extra pair of hands would be helpful in my experience with this so far.

I have another delivery scheduled for next week and I look forward to working it into my meal plan.  Did I forget the most important part of a cooking review?  Everything has been flavorful and really good quality.  Let me know your experience with Hello Fresh or any other meal delivery.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I've been really trying to stretch my cooking skills with what I have. It actually has been fun trying to ramp up things we generally make and doing something new. I've never tried these and probably wouldn't be inclined to but I'm glad to know more about them!

  2. I've never tried a meal delivery service but I guess now would be a great time, right?

  3. I've never tried a such a service, main reason being that there is six of us in the house and all local ones cater for smaller families. Glad you enjoyed the food you cooked.

  4. I enjoyed reading your review. I don't think it would be for us but it was fun to read what your experience was like and the food looks delicious.

  5. I haven’t tried one of the Fresh Meals . . .
    Thanks for the info . . .
    A great time to give this a try . . .

  6. I would certainly have to do the 4 person meals. My hubby eats a good bit. I haven't tried these! Thanks for sharing, I could use something new to try. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. Thank you for the information Vicki. Stay safe and well.

  8. I've used Hello Fresh (and a few other meal services) over the years. This is one of my faves. I've always ordered the meals for 2 people for me and my boyfriend and always got 2-4 servings out of them. Makes me wonder if they have changed them up a bit. It's been about 8 months since I've ordered one. The food is always fresh and delicious and the recipes are great!

  9. I have tried a couple Hello Fresh meals that were given to me. I did not think they were too hard to fix but would be challenging to a beginner cook. I thought the food was tasty and yes it all seemed fresh!
    I would get these if they were not so expensive. Great option to going out.

  10. I have tried Hello Fresh, Blue Apron and Home Chef and Home Chef has by far been my favorite! My husband is a big guy and the two person meals have been fine for us. They have numerous options to choose from as well as things like "protein packs" if you just want to order their meat. I found Hello Fresh to be good but a bit "fussier."


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