Friday, March 6, 2020

Tis the Season

My title of this post may be confusing, except for those of us who live in southwest Florida.  Season means our population doubles this time of year with both snowbirds ( seasonal residents) and visitors to our beautiful area.  For many of us full time residents, that means a steady stream of company and I for one, couldn’t be happier.  I love seeing my Michigan friends and family and taking them to all the tropical places.

We started March with round two of visitors and we has so much fun.  We are lucky to be close to and enjoy the company of Megan’s in laws and have been telling them to come and visit for ages.  It finally worked out and we really enjoyed showing them our new life in Florida.  We took them to some of Megan and Adam’s favorite spots, got in a round of golf, a beach walk and even some pool time.

We are lucky to have this relationship with them and realize it is not the norm, but it sure makes life easier and more fun when we all get along.  From the minute we started spending time together when Megan and Adam got engaged, we knew we were going to be not just friends, but family.  Hopefully the next time they visit, Adam and Megan can join us to make it even more special.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. We are close with my daughter's in-laws as well and take a mini vacation with them every year. We are so blessed. Sure makes life easier, doesn't it!

  2. That's the best part about moving someplace people enjoy coming -- they get to visit and everyone wins!

  3. Our daughter's in-laws have visited us and we have visited them, many times. We are blessed to be close and enjoy each others company immensely. It makes life SO much easier for the kids too.
    Do you think it will be as busy with traveling this year with the dreaded C-virus?

    1. I just read that the virus fears have not affected Florida tourism so far. It remains to be seen I think.

  4. Enjoy “the season.”
    Isn’t that grand . . . friends/family.

  5. Sounds wonderful to have friends/family visit and enjoy your beautiful surroundings! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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