Thursday, January 23, 2020


In Michigan, I lived in a tight knit community with many opportunities to volunteer.  It was the norm and I even have a good friend who started a non profit when she saw a need.  I was involved in my daughter’s parochial school activities from room parent to brownie leader.  I designed and sewed costumes for school musicals and served on boards and committees from elementary to high school level.  Even my last job had a element of volunteerism in recruiting and scheduling workers for a city wide festival.

Now in Florida, I feel like I haven’t missed a beat.  I live in a new development with an active HOA and I have gotten very involved.  But it is landscaping related, which I am passionate about, so I do enjoy it.  The city I live in is somewhat small and by also volunteering for a hard working landscape group, I have met great people and feel really connected to the area, even after living here only a short time.

After retirement (early for us) there is a period of finding your way in a new normal.  You do need time for yourself, but there are a lot of hours in the week to fill and as long as I get my golf and yoga in, there is time available.  Volunteering is rewarding and really there is something out there for everyone.  Communities need volunteers and I find those who get involved to be the best kind of people.

My husband told me the other day that I was working way too hard on a volunteer job.  But, isn’t there a saying - do what you love and it’s not work.  That’s me right now.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Volunteers are SO important. My Mom always said that we kids were all born with our hands upraised. (Volunteering!) We have all continued it into adulthood. My brothers were both volunteer firefighters when they weren't working their normal jobs as ambulance drivers. My sister has always volunteered somewhere and currently she rocks babys three nights in the NICU after she works her office job. She has done this for several years, only taking a break when her husband died of cancer. She has been in the church nursery for over 25 years. Every. Single. Sunday. You can surely see where her heart is can't you? Her heart breaks for those babies she rocks, especially the ones who were born drug addicted.
    Me, I go to the nursing homes to vist and knit and crochet for others.
    Good for you in keeping so busy. I know all of your efforts are appreciated.

    1. Hopefully my daughters follow my example and volunteer in their communities as they get established with a family and a home. You get more out of it than you give 😀

  2. SO true! Volunteering is very important, enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  3. That's so exciting that you found something that you love! And volunteers are so valuable! Many things in the world wouldn't happen without volunteers. You are a blessing!

  4. Yes to this! I don't think we're meant to truly 'retire'. Purpose and a bit of structure to our days helps keep us young.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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