Thursday, January 9, 2020

The start of January has been so, so busy and I’m ready for things to slow down and spend some time by my new pool. Here’s how I have been

 (Thanks to Christina at A Colorful Life for the idea)

Exercising - getting back into my walking and yoga routine and enjoying the cooler temperatures and low humidity for both.  I went to yoga at the beach on Monday, and every time I go, I ask myself why I don’t go more.  I enjoy it so much.  The setting sun, the sounds of the surf and the seagulls, along with the fresh gulf breezes, are perfection.

Volunteering - it’s been a busy week of volunteering.  I’m now the HOA Landscape Committee Chair
for my community and I’ve been emailing, making spreadsheets and problem solving.  I enjoy it or I
wouldn’t take it on and if you know me, you know that I am particular about weeds, so I’m the perfect person for the job!  Also, this morning I’ll be at my other volunteer job for the city, landscaping related as well, but hands on.  It’s dirty and sweaty, but very rewarding and I love it too.

Celebrating - we went out on New Year’s Eve and it was just as we like it.  I’m perfectly happy to stay home and just relax after the busy holidays, but I can be persuaded to ring in the new year with friends, a lovely setting for dinner and a martini or two.

Reading - no matter how busy, I always find time to read and I did read a good book this past week.  The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda was a nice surprise.  The format was clever with both the
past and present narrative leaving a trail of breadcrumbs leading to a surprise conclusion.  There was even one final surprise after the main plot point was revealed.

Entertaining -  preparing to host some Michigan friends in my neighborhood for a Euchre night on
Friday.  (Euchre is a Michigan/Midwest card game).  Just need to make a few appetizers, dessert and organize drinks, so not too much, but still have some to do lists to get through.

Watching - MSU Basketball!  We have high hopes for our alma mater this season and having the number one player in the country is exciting and amazing to watch.  I watched the team beat our rival (University of Michigan ) with fifteen other Spartan fans at a watch party on Sunday and we were loud.

Planning - there is something about a new year that brings out the planner in me.  No word of the year or resolutions, but a positive movement forward with goals on how I want to live life.  I did see a quote that has stuck with me though.  “ less things and more experiences”.  So many fun times ahead this year with family and friends.


  1. I know what you mean about the new year bringing out the planner. Me, too. And it sounds like your year is off to a terrific start. Go state!

  2. Sounds like you’ve got 2020 all figured out! Good for you...but just remember that twist and turns can turn a plan upside down when you’re least expecting it....that’s how my 2019 went and boy oh boy, were we ever thrown for a loop. I am SO glad 2019 is behind us. Big Time.
    Y’all just seem to be loving your retirement. So happy for you!!!

  3. I like that new quote. Also, you exhaust me with all of your activity. I've become somewhat of a "recliner" potato due to back issues. Thank heavens for my yarn and needles.

  4. Your Euchre night sounds like fun!

  5. January has that ”touch” of planning, organizing, sorting.
    I love getting all the PIECES in line, shaped up!

    Thank you for the book suggestion. I needed one.
    Someone recently mentioned to do the audio of Where The Crawdads Sing.
    Read it first, then listen . . . I am looking forward to adding that to my January list.

    I was away from my volunteering for a few weeks because of my surgery,
    but back in full force this past week.
    I think volunteering is the next Best Thing in life!

    Forty six degrees already this morning here in Michigan.
    It certainly has been a “Spring like Winter!”

  6. How about this . . .
    My comment went through!

  7. it sounds like your year has started off kind of busy. Volunteering, chairing committees, entertaining friends... you have a wonderful life!

  8. It looks like a busy January, and all fun, too. I always make time for books, too. It is a bit like escaping into another world. Thanks for your link Vicki, this is kind of you. The credit is not for me to take, Jo from Three Stories High started ... ing posts a while ago and I liked the idea. A little bit of all aspects of life. Have a lovely weekend x


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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