Friday, January 31, 2020


I think Kobe Bryant’s death hit most people hard in its suddenness and the fact that his young daughter was with him, compounded the tragedy.  Also, it is well documented that he had an amazing and supportive relationship with this oldest daughter and they were in fact going to her basketball
practice, which he was involved in coaching.

We have two daughters and from the minute they were born, my husband has shown that he too is an amazing girl dad.  There was no wishing for a boy or gender roles being played out.  They were just as likely to be serving him tea at a tea party, as playing basketball in the driveway or hockey at the back yard pond. They went water and snow skiing together, took crazy rides on our jet ski and threw the football around in the yard.

He attended every sporting event and while they didn’t participate in the most macho of sports, he cheered them on in gymnastics, diving and pompon with enthusiasm and support.  Golf is something our whole family shares and he was so proud when Megan shot her best score at her high school state golf tournament.  He coached CYO basketball for Melissa at one point and while it was clear it wasn’t her thing, she was proud to have her Dad as the coach.

It’s so important for girls and their confidence to have a strong father and to feel that unconditional love.  At Megan’s wedding, in my husband’s father of the bride speech, he shared how every night before the girls went to sleep, he told them “ you’re pretty, you’re strong and you’re smart and I love you with all my heart”. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your husband sounds like a good guy. My dad was a good girl-dad, too and it sure meant a lot to have him at my plays and choir concerts and whatever -- all through his life. It builds an incredible relationship for the future and what a model.

  2. What sweet relationships. You have a wonderful family! We have 3 daughters and my husband never longed for boys or anything. He's always loved our girls for who they are.

  3. Well, now I don't have a dry eye, either! Beautiful post!

  4. Tears here too! It broke my heart to hear the news about Kobe, his daughter and ALL of the other lives lost in that accident:( We just have to remember to make each day count. HUGS!

  5. Loved this Vicki . . . no dry eyes here.
    It was my dad that encouraged me to believe in myself, to feel beautiful, to seek truth, kindness . . . love.

  6. Dad's are so important in a girls, and boys life too. I think society has down-played the impact and role they play. Kobe's death, as well as the others in the accident were such a tragic loss. Your husbands relationships with your daughters sounds much like Mandy and Dennis.

  7. What a beautiful testament to your husband! Enjoy your week, Vicki.


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