Thursday, January 16, 2020

Empty the Fridge Fried Rice

I love fried rice, but I have never attempted to make it myself.  There was some leftover rice in my refrigerator from the gumbo I made over the weekend (make my recipe - it’s delicious) and I decided now was the time to try.  This recipe can be modified based on what you have and I had containers of chopped green onions and tomatoes, so that’s what I used.  Next time, I would not use tomatoes, but probably add broccoli and carrots and some type of onion,  all of which I usually keep on hand.  Also, I prefer brown rice.

The method remains the same, no matter what you use and I love something quick and easy like this for lunch rather than a boring sandwich.  I also usually have frozen shrimp on hand and if you wanted protein, how easy would that be.


Heat 2 T olive oil in a large skillet.  Add 2 cups leftover rice, 1/2 cup chopped veggies (any variety and mixture). Heat through and add about 3 T soy sauce.  Make a well in center and add 2 eggs, beaten.  Scramble eggs within the well, and then mix them together with rice and veggies.  Add more soy sauce if desired.


  1. I love fried rice, such a quick meal. Thanks for the reminder, I haven't made this in a long time.

  2. I also love fried rice. YUM. Now I am hungry. Have a blessed evening. Hugs

  3. This looks so darn good. I love fried rice or "fied lice" as my daughter use to say. Have a wonderful weekend, Vicki. I'm sure it will be a lot warmer than mine. Enjoy your week.

  4. My husband prolly eats this 4 times a week��. Even when I’ve cooked a big meal with sides, he’ll sneak in behind me a fry himself up a pan of fried rice...he likes his very crunchy. Me not so much.
    Grate a pinch of ginger in it?????mmmm-hmmmm!!


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