Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Brown Sugar Glazed Turkey Meatballs

I still use Pinterest quite a bit;  mostly as a recipe file.  I don’t get nearly the page views anymore  from recipes I post and don’t feel like it’s the great blogging tool it used to be.  But, it’s still fun. If you like to try new recipes like I do, there is always something new that sounds delicious.  Sometimes I go back and look at my boards and think, why have I not made this or that recipe.  This meatball recipe is one of those.

Saucy meatballs are really not a favorite and if you want to serve something on a platter, this is a great recipe for that.  I did not make my own meatballs like the recipe calls for, but used a good quality frozen brand and they were just fine.  The star of this recipe is the glaze.  It coats the meatballs with a sweet, vinegary flavor and if you bring this to a party, get ready for the compliments.

To serve, I lined the glazed meatballs up on a platter and stuck a cocktail toothpick in each one.  To keep warm, you could easily place in a microwave over the course of the party, but room temperature is also fine. They look very festive and your guests can easily grab and go.



  1. Delicious looking meatballs! I just made some the other day for a party. They were a hit and I didn't even have the glaze. I think I'll need to try that.

  2. YUM! I love making meatballs, I will definitely try this recipe. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. This looks like a wonderful appetizer and I like "easy!" Thanks for sharing.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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