Thursday, December 5, 2019

Life Lately

I have a collection of photos from the last week that tell the story of life lately.  We had so much fun with my daughter and son in law and their cute puppy.  My dog, who really had never shown much interest in other dogs, was a good dog host and shared her space and her toys very well.  We had delicious food on Thanksgiving Day and as always, my daughter was a big help.  I managed to knock a bottle of red wine off my counter, just as everything was ready, so that was fun lol.  Did you know that red wine comes out of grout with a mixture of baking soda and bleach.  I do now!

They left the day after Thanksgiving, but we will see them at Christmas which is very soon.  I have been cyber shopping and hitting a few stores, so I can have everything wrapped and shipped by the end of next week.  My decorations are up and a new addition this year is a small tree at the very back of the pool, on the waterfall ledge.  We love how it sparkles at night.  I like to use starfish mixed within my decor for a pop of coastal charm.

I have been enjoying my Aldi Wine Advent Calendar that I wrote about here. With my neighborhood Landscape Committee, I planted poinsettias at our entrances on a lovely, sunny morning and I have to say, decorating for the holidays in Florida is so much better (and warmer). There are a couple of holiday events on my calendar and our visit to Michigan is planned and busy as usual.  But, I can’t wait.

At golf this week, an alligator (and that’s a pretty big one) was sunning itself at the bottom of a Par 3 tee box and it was a little nerve racking to have to drive right over his head.  Finally, Book Group is tonight and I’m leading the discussion of The Last Romantics, by Tara Conklin.  The book nerd/honors English student in me loves that.

As usual, life in my empty nest is busy, but fun.


  1. Wow! It is lovely where you live! Love the Thanksgiving buffet! Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing these sweet photos!

  2. Warmth! I remember a few Christmas's we spent in Hawaii and it seemed so strange to be warm when we had always had cold weather in Nebraska/Iowa and now Washington. I choose warmth anytime. :-)
    Your Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious and sounds wonderful as well.

  3. That alligator on the golf course... no thank you!! Beautiful decorations!

  4. It looks like a wonderful time! And lovely, too. I'm not liking our cold this week. My furnace just tanked on me! Bad timing! I think I need your wine calendar!

  5. I am so glad you all had a wonderful visit. I liked that book but did not love it if that makes any sense at all. The name does not make sense to me with the content of the book. I'd like to hear what your book club thought of it.

    1. I led the discussion and directed the discussion to be about sibling relationships. It was really interesting and we all decided that sibling love is your first and longest relationship and gives you so much experience is other relationships. The title for me represented the hope we all have for love, even though it’s not easy. P.S. We all hated the future scenes and the sirens going off and such!

  6. Trying to read some blogs today. I love your pool tree! So cute and festive and Florida-ish. Hope you and your family are doing well. Merry Christmas!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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