Monday, November 4, 2019

Italian Food and Italian Cars

One of the things we enjoy the most about living in Florida is the spur of the moment opportunity to do something fun.  You can hop in the car and head to the beach, a great restaurant and on any given weekend; your choice of a festival or two.

Saturday, we decided that we would head to St. Armand’s Circle in Sarasota for lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant.  When we approached the circle over the Ringling Bridge, we noticed that there seemed to be a lot more traffic than normal for this time of year.  I usually check to see if a festival is going on wherever we are headed, but didn’t think to this time.  When my husband saw that there was a car show happening, he was thrilled and when we discovered it was Ferraris on The Circle, he was even happier.

So, as planned, we had wonderful Italian food (Eggplant Parmesan and sangria for me) at an outside table and then happily strolled around the beautiful Italian cars, picking our favorite color (red of course) and getting serious sticker shock at the prices.  But, it’s fun to dream, right?

Happy Monday!


  1. I bet I know exactly which restaurant you’re talking about...bolognese..mmmm, yum!!
    Yay for fun Sunday’s!!!

    1. Venezia and it’s yum! Many Italian restaurants in Venice, but we usually drive to this one. Plus I love St. Armands.

  2. Talk about a fun surprise! And it looks like a glorious day, too -- batting a thousand!

  3. The Mister would have been in his glory with the cars and I would have been delighted with the Italian food. Have a great weekend, Vicki.


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