Friday, November 15, 2019

Aldi Wine Advent Calendar (The Story)

Last week, I did something so unlike me.  I’m not a trendy shopper and waiting in line to spend my money seems kind of crazy to me.  But, ever since last year, when I saw bloggers and Instagram friends enjoying their single serving bottles of wine each night during advent, I was determined to not be left out of the fun this holiday season.

For some reason, the Aldi Wine Advent Calendar is the one people go crazy for, even though other places like Costco have their own version now.  From word of mouth, I knew I needed to get to the store early and wait in line, because they sell out quickly.  I didn’t know what to expect, so I got there at 8:00 for a 9:00 store opening.  Conveniently, Starbucks in right next door, so I grabbed my coffee and pulled up to find only two people in line at Aldi.

More shoppers began to arrive and I got in line with about ten people in front of me. Of course, since I live in Florida, standing outside is no problem.  I was very impressed with how organized it was.  An employee gave us a flyer (maximum two per person) while in line and 15 minutes before opening the wine calendar shoppers (about 40 at that point) could enter early, trade our flyers for boxes and quickly check out.  I was on my way back home before 9:00.

I was able to purchase one for me and one for my daughter, Megan, who lives in Pittsburgh.  Her local Aldi does not sell wine (Pennsylvania law) and  she is driving here for Thanksgiving, so no shipping required.  We will be opening and drinking our wine together, long distance.

There are several different varieties of wine (red, white, rose and blends) and each bottle is pulled
separately from a numbered opening, so each one is a surprise.

I can’t wait until December 1st!


  1. HI Vicki! So you were in line at Costco? How did you know when they were going to be there! I want to get this for my daughter too! I love this and will share on the weekend edit on Saturday! How much was it?

    1. The Aldi weekly flyer gives the release date. They are $69.99 and sold out for this year.

  2. I've heard about these, but alas, no wine sales in our NY state Aldi either. What fun though! I love that you will be distance drinking with your daughter!

    1. We always look for ways to stay connected and this will be fun 😀

  3. I bet it was a fun line to wait in. Wine drinkers have to be nice people.

    1. And, I was trying to imagine waiting in line in Michigan in the cold and you wouldn’t have caught me doing that. Even for wine!


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