Thursday, October 3, 2019

Life Lately

The past few weeks have been a roller coaster, with a sudden trip to Michigan, my Dad’s passing and the preparation for his memorial service.  It’s a weird spot this week, where life goes on, yet everything is different.

I have tried to balance normal life such as yoga on the beach with a beautiful view of the sun shining through the clouds, spending time with friends, golf with a returning snow bird friend, book group and my volunteer work, with taking time to reflect on my Dad’s life.  My sister and brother send me old photos from time to time and it helps to remember him healthy and in his prime.

In other news, it’s fall in a lot of places, but not here in Florida yet.  It made me really happy to be able to stop by one of my favorite cider mills when I was in Michigan and enjoy fresh, cold cider and a warm doughnut, sitting next to the stream on a sunny fall day.

And, finally, our pool construction is in the final stages.  The tile and pavers were completed last week, the pump and heater went in this week and the pool cage should go up in the next few days.  It’s finally starting to look like a pool and dare I say, we might be swimming by Halloween!

Happy Thursday!


  1. It's very hard, those days after the death of a parent -- the planning, the travel, the keeping it sane and together after it's all over. Sending hugs and hoping that your time in Michigan was during the few days when it wasn't cold and wet. Hugs to you.

  2. So sorry about your Dad, Vicki. It's never easy.

  3. It is hard to go thru those hard days losing your Dad. I know that first hand. I pray that the memories of the healthier days will stay in your heart. Your pool is gorgeous. Have a blessed day, cooler days are coming here SOON! HUGS!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your dads passing. My dad died on September 11 so I know exactly how you feel. I'm in San Diego right now because his memorial is tomorrow (I live in Seattle) and this is the first time in 30 years that we've come to San Diego and my dad isn't here. Like you say, life is going on... but everything is different. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you learn to live life without him.

  5. I always felt so odd after one of my parents died, trying to figure out how life kept moving as I was so heartbroken. Wishing you strength as you move through this tough time.

  6. I am sorry for your loss. That has to be tough, especially as you face holidays now. Hugs to you.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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