Friday, August 9, 2019

Life Lately

Isn’t August kind of a funny month?  Even though it’s still summer, there is an in between feeling as fall looms. I have already noticed that the sunset is getting ever so slightly earlier and I have needed to adjust my walking time.  And, for those of us who are college football fans (me!) the football news has begun.  But, the days are still hot and steamy here and I mostly stay in the air conditioning, golf in the mornings and as usual, have my nose in a good book.

The highlights lately include the beginning of our pool construction.  It’s quite a mess looking out the back at the moment, but the result will be worth it.  I’ve been also doing my landscaping volunteer activities, both with the neighborhood HOA committee and with Keep Venice Beautiful.  The HOA committee just met at our clubhouse and pool and spent an hour fine tuning some landscape issues that needed to be done.  I love both the community spirit of neighbors pitching in and getting my hands in the dirt.

I made one of my favorite and most successful low carb recipes a few days ago and forgot how good these pancakes are.  They are the perfect recipe for that last ripe banana staring at you from the fruit bowl too.

Finally, I want to share a book I really enjoyed.  Finding Mrs. Ford is a really good read, with a plot twist you won’t see coming.  But for me, the highlight is that it is set in Detroit in the summer of 1979.  I was going into my Junior year of college that summer and the details, both of the time period and of Detroit and its suburbs, were a blast from the past.  I’m telling all my Michigan friends and family that they must read it.

Happy Friday and weekend!


  1. How exiting, a pool in your back garden! I love my mum's when we are visiting her in Switzerland. Here in Scotland it is far too cool for an outdoor pool, such a shame. I have a few of those bananas in the freezer and will make a batch of your pancakes tomorrow. Happy weekend! x

  2. Send your committee to my house in Louisiana! Our landscaping has totally burned up from the weather.

  3. You will love having your pool right out the back door! We did too, for about 25 or our 28 years in that house. Now we are in a place where we just didn't use it anymore so moving to this retirement community with a huge heated pool makes more sense for us. Someone else keeps it clean and the chemicals balanced. The landscape groups are blessed to have you there helping. They will soon know, if they don't already, how amazing you are. Please keep us posted on the pool project!!

  4. We have built two pools, one in a house we already lived in and one as we built our new house. It is a mess and goes slow, but worth it in the end. Those pancakes look so yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I know what you mean about August!

    Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds good to me!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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