Wednesday, August 14, 2019

1st Anniversary

My husband and I keep saying “ do you believe it’s been a year since the wedding?”  It really proves that time does go so fast and that life after such a big event returns to normal.  For eighteen months, we all were focused on wedding planning and while most of it was so fun, there were also a few stressful bits.  But, now that we’ve done it once, I can’t wait to do it again, because the payoff of the whole experience, especially the wedding day, is something I will never forget.  Being  the mother of the bride and watching your daughter marry her love is nothing short of amazing.

When Megan and I talk about the wedding, we both say that everything turned out exactly like we had envisioned and that we wouldn’t change a thing.  And, as far as the newlyweds go; still happy and in love, with an adorable puppy added to their life in Pittsburgh.

It’s been so fun looking back at the wedding photos, so here are a few of my favorites.


  1. It looked like a beautiful event, Vicki! A year -- wow, that time has flown!

  2. It was such a beautiful wedding and it was fun being a part of it through your blogs over those 18 months! Time goes much too fast.

  3. A year goes by WAY TOO FAST! Beautiful memories thru the photos! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Can it be a year already? They are so beautiful, it was a gorgeous wedding.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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