Friday, July 26, 2019

A Night Out, A Wedding and A Birthday

I arrived in Michigan to storms and I arrived back in Florida to storms, but in between, I had a wonderful time with family and friends.

My husband and I try to see our daughters as much as possible and sometimes that means splitting up and visiting them separately.  Or, only one of them coming to Florida.  But, this time, circumstances allowed all of us to be in Michigan at the same time and we were able to have dinner all together on Friday night.   We met at Melissa’s new townhouse, my husband met her boyfriend for the first time (it’s hard to accomplish when you live many miles away) and we really enjoyed spending time together.

The next night, we were invited to a wedding (our dear friend’s daughter) that Megan and Adam would also be attending. My husband and I were able to stay with some friends that night and it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with them.  The wedding was so fun and there were so many friends from our old parish (and the girl’s catholic school)  there to hug and catch up with.  And having Megan and Adam there was a huge bonus.  We live far away, but these are the kind of events we try not to miss.

On Sunday, I moved on to a friend’s lake cottage and my husband flew back to Florida. Over the next few days,  I was able to spend some quality time with my parents and sister and also help my Dad
celebrate his 85th birthday. He was really happy I was there and that made me happy too.  In addition,
 I fit in a few glasses of wine here and there with friends, a delicious brunch and a late dinner with Melissa one night.

At the end of the trip, I was tired when I finally sat down in my seat on the plane. but satisfied that I had seen those I needed to see the most.  And as always, I will be back.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. So glad you had a wonderful trip!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful visit with everyone! Good for the soul... yours and theirs! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Glad you were able to spend time with those you love. Welcome back to wet and stormy Florida.

    1. We have a lake behind us that was very low, but is almost back to normal now. So I’m happy to see the summer rains.

  4. YaY for family and friends time...… you miss living up there??
    I have a feeling I know that answer!!

  5. I just got back from visiting family too and you're right -- it's always great fun. And it's always good to be back home! Looks like you aced both!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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