Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summer Reading List

It’s that time of year when a good book, a cold drink and the cool breeze from a fan can get you through the hottest day.  Or if you prefer, a book at the pool or beach is one of the best ways to spend a summer afternoon.  It seems some of the most anticipated books are published in the summer, when even the most casual readers are looking for a beach read.

My list has some favorite authors and series I love (Paul Doiron and Linda Castillo), a new novel by Elizabeth Gilbert (who’s books I have a love/hate feeling for) and to round out the list, ones I thought sounded interesting and had good reviews.

I’m especially excited to read Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune, because it sounds similar to The Joy Luck Club, an all time favorite of mine. And, The Comfort Food Diaries is a memoir about life relating to food and family recipes, always a favorite read.  I would love if you could comment on a book you want to read this summer as an addition to my list :-)

Happy Reading! (all books available on Amazon with a summary and review)



  1. I appreciate your suggestions. I read quite a bit and am always looking for wonderful suggestions such as yours. Thank you.

  2. Ugh. I'll take a pass on Elizabeth Gilbert's book. "Eat Pray Love" was such a waste of paper. I'm reading "A Year In Havana" and listening to "The First Mistake." Both are very good.

    1. I’m still going to read the new one, but I loved parts of Eat Pray Love and at the same time hated how self centered she was. I did love the movie :-)

  3. Great book list! It's a great day to enjoy a good book and some sweet sunshine! HUGS!

  4. I have a love/hate with Gilbert too. More hate than love, but both, so on the fence. Really looking forward to Comfort Food diaries!

  5. I am not a fan of Gilbert either--I tried. Looks like a perfect summer reading list, though.

  6. I read Educated, in one day and could not put it down. It's about a young girl who grows up in rural Idaho with NO formal schooling or medical care. In the 21st century! It's her painful coming of age story and I was compelled by her forthright honesty. Highly recomended.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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