Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Still in Michigan

My trip to Michigan is coming to an end and tonight I will be getting together with fifteen of my closest friends for a last bit of fun.  It has been a whirlwind and I am completely exhausted, but so thankful I was able to be here.

 The primary reason I came was to help clean out my childhood home and get it ready to be put on the market by this summer.  My parents moved to an assisted living facility last January and we decided to take some time to ease the transition for them.  But, it's overdue now.  It's been a huge job and there is still a lot to do, but I can fly back to Florida confident that I did my part.

I was also able to spend some time with Melissa before she flew out of town on another business trip and that made me so happy.  She has a new boyfriend (who I met for the first time) and I loved hearing all her happy and busy life news.  They took me out in Detroit on Saturday night and we had a lot of fun. We enjoyed a delicious sushi dinner, followed by a bit of bar hopping.  When I say Detroit has undergone a transformation, believe it.

Happy Wednesday and happy May!


  1. Welcome back to Michigan! Wish the weather was better but you know how it is. We’re facing a similar situation with my Mom’s home. I don’t look forward to breaking it down. Looks and sounds like you had a few fun moments!

  2. Oh that's a big job and I know you feel good for helping. Sounds like you had a great time along with the hard work. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Sorry you hit us during the gloom! But maybe that made the inside work a little more palatable. I remember that cleaning out --- not at all fun. Now I feel like it's time to do my own purging!Not fun either!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful trip, even though it had that bittersweet cleaning out your folks' home part. It is good that y'all gave it some time. Hope it sells quickly for you.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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