Thursday, May 16, 2019

Life Lately (Beach and Books)

Life lately or at least this week, has consisted of beaches and books.  We have entered the summer rainy season (a little early) in tropical southwest Florida and while we still have beautiful, sunny beach days, we also get periods of rain quite often, perfect for reading.

Mother's Day was hot and sunny and since I wasn't with my girls, I chose to spend the day at the beach; always a mood lifter.  Siesta Key beach was perfect as usual, but with a little more wild surf than normal and it's so relaxing listening to the waves crash.  We tried a new to us Mexican restaurant and though the food was good, the margaritas were not and since I'm always on the search for the perfect margarita, I don't think we will be back.

Tuesday night, after being rained out for golf in the afternoon,  I wanted some exercise and fresh air, so I went to sunset yoga on the beach.  It was cloudy and windy, so not much of a sunset, but the waves were really crashing and I loved it.  It's such a peaceful option at the end of the day and it makes me happy that I can jump in the car and be at the beach in minutes.

The two book covers shown are books that I have read lately and loved.  And, both were books that I did not expect to enjoy so much.  The Lost For Words Bookshop is quirky, dark, surprising and filled with literary references.  One Day in December is more of a chick lit book, but it has a lot of heart and the story keeps you guessing on how the inevitable outcome with occur.

Happy Thursday!


  1. We would love to live so close to the beach. The waves crashing on the beach is music to both of us. Your Mother's Day sounds like it was a really nice one.

    1. And there are any number of different beaches and the Intercoastal as well, all very close. If you are a beach lover it's paradise.

  2. It is good to catch up with you! It must be wonderful being so close to the beach. we have to drive an hour. Not bad, but we can't just go for a short walk or for an hour or so. When we go, we like to go all day. I could go for a frosty margarita right now, actually!

  3. Yoga on the beach - can it get any better? I'd enjoy this, too x

  4. Beach and books... my two favorite things! Thanks for the book recs! I haven't read either one. Have a great weekend - Hope it's at the beach!!

  5. I think I need to check out the Lost Words... And I wonder if it will ever be warm enough here to go to the beach!

  6. So glad you are enjoying the beach and the summer storms. We have had some crazy ones up here. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I don't know about you, but we need rain here. The lake we live on is so low, but I know soon, after the first tropical storm, it will be back to wondering if it will flood the banks. Florida = land of extremes.

  7. Your books and the beach sure look sweet. Fifty here today. Brrr.

  8. Oh you are living the good life:) Enjoy!

  9. Lost For Words Bookshop seems like my kind of book. Glad you enjoyed beach. Have a wonderful week.

    1. It's a little dark, but really well written and perfect for any book nerd who loves a good book store.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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