Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Visitors from the North

Having visitors from the cold weather states is one of my favorite ways to spend a Florida day.  They are in vacation mode and so happy to soak up the sun, drink some tropical drinks and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.  They notice how pretty everything is and it helps me remember how lucky I am to live in Florida all the time.

First, I met a good friend in Naples for the day and what a beautiful city.  It was my first time there, but she was very familar with the best spots.  We started with lunch at Miramare, then margaritas at The Dock, some pool time and finally, dinner at Coconut Jack's in Bonita Springs.  It was a lovely day and an easy drive south for me.

The next day, my brother in law and sister in law spent the day with us in our area and we had a great time catching up and showing them our new home, new city and taking them to a few of our favorite spots; Sharky's in Venice and St. Armands Circle in Sarasota.

Life is good in Florida!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that my Alma Mater, Michigan State, is going to the Final Four 
after a thrilling win over Duke on Sunday night.  We had friends over to watch the game and I'm sure my neighbors thought we were crazy with all the screaming at the end.  To say we are excited is an understatement and we are looking forward to the next game against Texas Tech on Saturday. 40 years ago, when we were college students at Michigan State, the Spartans, lead by Magic Johnson, won the national championship and I have a good feeling that it may happen again. 

 Go Green! 


  1. What a great visit! As a northerner, I love visiting your state and you truly are blessed!!! Congrats on the Michigan win! I love Lake Michigan so I am rooting for a win for you! Annster's Domain

    1. And I'm visiting my daughter in Pittsburgh this weekend! Love your city too😀

  2. It looks like you had a great time visiting with friends & family.

  3. Fingers are crossed. East Lansing was relatively good in the victory -- only one or two couches were burned and no tear gas was used! I think that's a first!

  4. We love showing our northern friends around, too, and bragging about how nice it is living here year-round! :) Glad you had a good time! We really like Naples too. Take one of the boat rides from the Tin City docks and look at all the million dollar ++ mansions on the water. A nice couple of hours!

  5. Hoping the Spartan's do well. I am from Michigan but did not go to Michigan State. My brother, cousin and nephew did so at least we have some green blood in the family.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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