Tuesday, March 5, 2019

3 Things

One of the best things about living in Florida if you are a baseball fan, is spring training.  As a lifelong Detroit Tigers fan, when my husband asked if I wanted him to buy tickets to the game last Friday, I enthusiastically said yes. And, spring training games are the best, because you are close to 
the players, the Florida sun is hot and the beer (and margaritas) are cold. 

If you can stand the cuteness, say hello to my daughter and son in law's new puppy.  Yes, the newlyweds have a puppy and I have my first grand dog.  She is a cavapoo, named Markley, after the dorm where they met  at The University of Michigan.  She will be well loved and spoiled.

This is the book I am currently reading for my book club.  I just started it on Monday and am furiously reading to try and finish it by Thursday night.  I know I can do it, but it's going to take some effort.  However, my nickname is Evelyn Wood (the speed reader for those not familar) so I'm not too worried.  It's good so far.

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. Markley is just precious! So cute! I hope this reading year is going better for you than me!

  2. We are going to a Spring training game next week for our Atlanta Braves. Can't wait:) Cute little puppy, congrats on the new addition to the family! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. Your Braves new spring training facility is right in our area (Northport/Venice) starting next spring! It's going to make it so easy for us to go to games anytime.

  3. I am very familiar with Evelyn Wood: Speed Reading Dynamics -- one of the best things I ever did! I don't always use it but sure nice in a pinch. And nice to be so close to the Tigers!

  4. What a cute puppy and the book looks really good. :)

  5. Ah heck! You were in Lakeland for a game? Your daughter and grand-pup are adorable! Enjoy your book!

  6. I enjoyed that book. I am just reading her new one. Having a little trouble as I reserved the library copy in extra large print! lol Enjoy the baseball :)

  7. The new puppy is adorable!!!! Enjoy Spring Training! Go Pirates! HEE HEE

    1. I haven't made it to a game at PNC park yet, but have walked by it a bunch of times. So beautiful!

  8. Vicki... you look like Florida is agreeing with you. You look maaaaavelous. Have you lost weight? Markley is positively precious. Enjoy your week in the warm sunshine. It's 22 degrees here.

  9. I would love to be where the sun is warm. Spring is not far away and neither is the beach! Cute puppy indeed!

  10. Kate Morton is one of my favorite authors. I absolutely loved The House at Riverton which I think was one of her first big sellers. I just finished The Clockmaker's Daughter which was good, but I didn't love it as much as her previous books. The Lake House was also excellent!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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