Friday, December 21, 2018

Oh Christmas Tree (and Christmas Card)







After moving to Florida and all the work of downsizing, I fight against bringing too much into the house again. It is especially tempting at Christmas and I have to make myself not go to Hobby Lobby. So far, I think I've been able to achieve a pretty good balance and really concentrate on the tree and the most sentimental and favorite items. I still put out my snow globe collection, but only the most special to me. Our nativity was my husband's mothers and it will always have a place in my home. And because every thing old is new again, my ceramic Christmas tree that was a wedding gift in 1982, is now coveted by all the millennials. The big change is that it's outside on my lanai.

My tree is new and much smaller than the tree I had in Michigan, where it needed to have height and drama in my foyer with a two story ceiling. I find this smaller tree perfect for this downsized house and so simple to decorate. My tree will never be pinterest worthy, but every ornament has a memory and that's how we like it. My favorite new ornament is a gift from my daughter and new son in law. It's a clear glass ball with their wedding invitation cut in strips and placed inside. I know, right!?

I do make my tree pretty and sparkle a bit by adding red and gold glass balls and silver and gold garland. To give it a touch of the coastal decor I use in my Florida home, I added a large starfish at the top and other large starfish scattered throughout the branches. This year I also added some small tourquoise ornaments and next year will look to add some large glass balls in the same color.



This was a special year for our family and my Christmas card reflects the joy in our daughter's wedding. Merry Christmas to all you lovely readers and I'll see you after the holidays.



  1. It has been a wonderful year for you, Vicki. And I think your tree is lovely. I know one day I'll be downsizing too and that'll be tough! I hope I do as well as you!

  2. What a great year you had, Vicki!!! I'm all for downsizing especially on the day I have to put all the decorations away. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and happy, healthy new year.

  3. Merry Christmas Vicki! Your tree is lovely. I really like the idea of the invitation inside the bowl. And I also enjoyed hearing about your special decorations. Blessings, Betsy

  4. Merry Christmas, Vicki! Absolutely love the star on top of your tree!

  5. Your tree is very pretty and those sentimental ornaments are the ones that make your home so special at Christmas time!! Beautiful!

  6. Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas. Your tree looks lovely, sparkly and bright xx

  7. Your decorations are perfect and that ornament with the wedding invitation (great idea) and keepsake. Have a blessed Christmas dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Merry Christmas Vicki . . .
    Creative memory ornament for your tree . . .
    I like a tree that holds many stories . . .
    Wonderful year it has been for you . . .


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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